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Tamil Nadu Open University (TNOU) 2009-1st Year M.Sc Psychology Tamilnadu open university Life span - Question Paper

Monday, 08 July 2013 06:30Web

M.Sc. DEGREE exam —
JUNE, 2009.
First Year
(AY 2005–06 batch onwards)
Time : three hours Maximum marks : 75
PART A — (3 x five = 15 marks)
ans any 3 questions, not exceeding one page every.

1.Outline the scope of life span psychology.
2.What is ethics in life span research?
3.What are prenatal and perinatal periods?
4.What are the primary and secondary sex characteristics?
5.What is menopause and when does it occur?

PART B — (4 × 15 = 60 marks)
ans any 4 ques..
every ans not to exceed four pages.

6.What are the stages in language development? discuss.
7.Explain Piagets pre-operational stage.
8.What are the various parenting styles? discuss.
9.Discuss the importance of play in development.
10.How does personality develop in adolescents? discuss.
11.Discuss career as an important aspect of young adulthood.
12.Outline the characteristics and issues of old age.


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