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Tamil Nadu Open University (TNOU) 2009-1st Year M.Sc Psychology Tamilnadu open university Social and community - Question Paper

Monday, 08 July 2013 06:00Web

M.Sc. DEGREE exam –
JUNE 2009.
(AY 2003-04 to CY 2005 batches only)
First Year
Time : three hours Maximum marks : 75
PART A — (3 x five = 15 marks)
ans any 3 ques..
every ans not to exceed one page.

1.What is Sociometry? discuss.
2.What is group conformity?
3.What is unemployment and underemployment?
4.Explain mental health.
5.What is educational pyramid? discuss.

PART B — (4 x 15 = 60 marks)
ans any 4 ques..
every ans not to exceed four pages.

6.Discuss the importance of Socialization.
7.What is the role of public opinion? explain.
8.What is meant by propaganda? discuss the techniques of propaganda.
9.What is alcoholism and drug dependence? discuss.
10.Explain any 2 social indicators and their impact on society.
11.What are the different strategies of intervention? discuss.
12.Explain group processes.


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