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Tamil Nadu Open University (TNOU) 2009-2nd Year M.Sc Psychology Tamilnadu open university keting and consumer behaviour - Question Paper

Monday, 08 July 2013 05:35Web

M.Sc. DEGREE exam –
JUNE 2009.
(AY 2005-06 batch onwards)
Second Year
Time : three hours Maximum marks : 75
PART A — (3 x five = 15 marks)
ans any 3 ques..
ans for every ques. not to exceed one page.

1.Explain the Market-oriented strategic planning.
2.Describe the customer adoption process.
3.What are the various sales promotion strategies? discuss.
4.Explain the criteria used for Market segmentation.
5.What are the various kinds of Reference groups? discuss.

PART B — (4 x 15 = 60 marks)
ans any 4 ques..

6.Give an account of the strategic planning for managing marketing.
7.Explain the components of Marketing info system.
8.What are the important considerations for developing an Advertisement Program?
9.Discuss the post purchase behaviour in the buying process.
10.How to build customer satisfaction? explain.
11.Explain the role of opinion leadership in marketing.
12.What are the applications of Learning and Memory for Advertising?


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