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Tamil Nadu Open University (TNOU) 2008 B.Ed TEACHING OF SCIENCE 2289 - Question Paper

Sunday, 07 July 2013 02:35Web



First Year (For AY-2004-05 batch candidates)


Time : 3 hours    Maximum marks : 75

PART A (2 x 15 = 30 marks)

Answer any TWO questions not exceeding 750 words each.

1.    In the light of the principles of curriculum construction discuss the present science curriculum for secondary classes.

2.    Discuss the various applications of third law of motion in :

(a)    Daily life and

(b)    Scientific Research.

3.    What do you mean by resources? Distinguish between natural and man made resources with examples. Suggest a measure to replenish ground water resource.

Answer any FIVE questions not exceeding 300 words each.

4.    What are the essential characteristics of scientific attitude?

5.    Explain the different steps of a project method?

6.    If focal length of the spherical mirror is 25 cms, What would be its radius of curvature? Why?

7.    What is a dynamo? On what principle does it work?

8.    Explain oxidation and reduction.

9.    What are functional groups? Explain.

10.    "The life of an Individual is the sum total of the activities of all the cells - Comment.

11.    What is the natural Eco System? How is it different from the man made Eco System?

PART C (5 x 3 = 15 marks)

Answer ALL questions not exceeding 150 words each.

12.    Write a suitable definition of Science.

13.    Name three different types of electric generators utilising different sources of energy.

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14.    What is the relationship that exists betweer number of negative and positive particles in an ator

15.    What is a tissue?

16.    List two major pollutants and mention their e on the health of man.



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