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Tamil Nadu Open University (TNOU) 2009-3rd Year B.C.A Computer Application .

Saturday, 06 July 2013 05:35Web

B.C.A. DEGREE exam –
JUNE 2009.
Third Year
Time : three hours Maximum marks : 60/75
PART A — (4 x five = 20/5 x five = 25 marks)
Candidates with enrolment number starting with A4BCA and C5BCA should ans any 4 from the ques. 1to six and all others should ans any
FIVE from the ques. one to seven in Part A.
1. What is a class? How does it accomplish data hiding?
2. Explain any 2 kinds of Java decision making with If statement.
3. Discuss about the visibility control of java program.
4. Explain the method overloading concepts in Java programming.
5. What are the applications of wrapper classes?
6. Explain the Java API packages.
7. How to design a web page?
PART B — (4 x 10 = 40/5 x 10 = 50 marks)
Candidates with enrolment number starting with A4BCA and C5BCA should ans any 4 from the ques. eight to 13 and all others should ans any 5 from the ques. eight to 14 in Part B.
8. Discuss about the java tokens.
9. Explain briefly the different loop structures available in Java.
10. Write a Java program to sort a provided list of strings.
11. What is an Inheritance? discuss.
12. How to manage errors in Java programming? discuss.
13. Explain the Applet life cycle.
14. What is a package? discuss.

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Rounded Rectangle: 	UG832	BCA16 

JUNE 2009.

Third Year


Time : 3 hours Maximum marks : 60/75

PART A (4 5 = 20/5 5 = 25 marks)

Candidates with enrolment number starting with A4BCA and C5BCA should answer any FOUR from the questions 1to 6 and all others should answer any
FIVE from the questions 1 to 7 in Part A.

1.         What is a class? How does it accomplish data hiding?

2.         Explain any two types of Java decision making with If statement.

3.         Discuss about the visibility control of java program.

4.         Explain the method overloading concepts in Java programming.

5.         What are the applications of wrapper classes?

6.         Explain the Java API packages.

7.         How to design a web page?

PART B (4 10 = 40/5 10 = 50 marks)

Candidates with enrolment number starting with A4BCA and C5BCA should answer any FOUR from the questions 8 to 13 and all others should answer any FIVE from the questions 8 to 14 in Part B.

8.         Discuss about the java tokens.

9.         Explain briefly the various loop structures available in Java.

10.       Write a Java program to sort a given list of strings.

11.       What is an Inheritance? Explain.

12.       How to manage errors in Java programming? Explain.

13.       Explain the Applet life cycle.

14.       What is a package? Explain.

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