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Tamil Nadu Open University (TNOU) 2009-2nd Year B.B.A >>keting Management PERSONNEL SELLING AND SALESMANSHIP>>E, .>> - Question Paper

Saturday, 06 July 2013 08:40Web

B.B.A. DEGREE exam —
JUNE, 2009.
Second Year
Marketing Management
Time : three hours Maximum marks : 75
part A — (3 ´ five = 15 marks)
ans any 3 ques..
1. describe personal selling.
2. What do you understand by prospective buyer?
3. How do you introduce a new product in the market?
4. Write short notes on sales manual.
5. Distinguish specialty salesmanship from retail salesmanship.

part B — (4 ´ 15 = 60 marks)
ans any 4 ques..
6. explain the nature and scope of personal selling.
7. explain the different qualities needed for a salesman.
8. discuss the key responsibilities and functions of a sales manager.
9. explain the various types of sales meetings.
10. "Selling offers unmatched career opportunities to capable men or woman". – discuss.
11. discuss the AIDAS theory of personal selling.
12. explain the kinds of sales reports and discuss how such reports are prepared.


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