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Osmania University (OU) 2008 M.C.A Computer Aplications Client Server Programming Lab-X - Question Paper

Friday, 05 July 2013 04:30Web


M.C.A. III-Year I-Semester exam

ques. Bank for Practical ques. Paper

Subject : Client Server Programming Lab-X

(CSP Lab - X)

1. Write an ftp client program to implement the subsequent commands.
(a) get (b) put

2. Write a servlet which collects personal info (name, rollno, address,
e-mailid, mobile-no) of a learner and stores in a database. Use HTML for creating user interface and JDBC for connecting to the database.

3. Develop Remote Object for a bank application having a remote method to obtain the balance amount from the bank. The method should authenticate the user by means of account-no and password. Use AWT / SWING to create user interface and JDBC to connect to the database.

4. Write a CORBA IDL interface for knowing the status of book in a library. Implement the IDL interface using Java. Create a Java client to test the above. Use JDBC to connect to the database.

5. Write a stateless session Bean that provides current date and time.

6. Write a CGI program using PERL which when supplied with rollno queries the database to retrieve the marks of MCA two year Ist Semester marks. Use HTML tp create the necessary user interface.

7. Develop an active-x control to draw a circle with a radius of 50 pixels in a window at the mouse click.

8. Write a VC ++ program that accepts student's rollno and displays the marks of MCA IInd year Ist Semester which if retrieves from the database.

9. Create a DCOM remote object which when supplied with ISBN (book ID), retrieves info of the book (Title, author, edition, year, price) and displays.

10. Create a VC ++ application to collect the learner info
(name, rollno, address, mobile-no, e-mail id) and to store it in a database.

11. Write an ftp client program to implement the subsequent commands.
(a) get (b) put

12. Write a servlet to implement the subsequent transactions on a bank account :
(i) deposit (ii) withdraw (iii) show balance

13. Write a CGI program using PERL to implement the subsequent transactions on a bank account :
(i) deposit (ii) withdraw (iii) show balance

14. Write an RMI Object with methods to do the subsequent transactions on a bank account :
(i) deposit (ii) withdraw (iii) show balance

15. Write a servlet to show the ICET outcome have HTNo, RANK, MARKS provided the HTNo.

16. Write a CGI program using PERL to show the ICET outcome
(H T No, RANK, MARKS) provided the H T No.

17. Write CORBA IDL interface for Bank object with the subsequent operations :
(i) deposit (ii) withdraw (iii) show balance

Implement the above using Java. Test the above using a Java client.

18. Implement a DCOM object to perform the subsequent operations on a bank account:
(i) deposit (ii) withdraw (iii) show balance

19. Write CORBA IDL interface for it knowing ICET outcome. Implement the above using Java. Test the above using Java client.

20. Implement a DCOM object to know the ICET outcome.

21. Write an ftp client program to implement the subsequent commands.
(a) pwd (b) get

22. Write a servlet which when supplied with rollno lists all the books borrowed from the library along with the due dates. Use HTML for creating user interface and JDBC for connecting to the database.

23. Write a CGI program using PERL which when supplied with rollno lists all the books borrowed from the library along with the due dates. Use HTML for creating user interface and JDBC for connecting to the database.

24. Write an RMI object with a method to list all the books borrowed from the library along with the due dates provided the rollno of the learner.

25. Write a VC++ application which when supplied with the rollno lists all the books borrowed from the library along with the due dates.

26. Write a DCOM object which when supplied with the rollno lists all the books borrowed from the library along with the due dates.

27. Write a servlet which when supplied with the item code, provide the stock level (Quantity) in the inventory along with the price.

28. Write a CGI program using PERL which when supplied with the item code, provide the stock level in the inventory along with the price and re-order level.

29. Write an RMI object with the method to obtain the stock level of an item in an inventory provided the item code.

30. Write a VC ++ application which when supplied with the item code displays the stock level along with the price and re-order level of an inventory.

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