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Osmania University (OU) 2006-2nd Sem B.E Electronics & Tele-Communication Engineering 4/4 (E.C.E)(ESTER)SUPPLEMENTARY ,IL, Emdded systems - Question Paper

Thursday, 04 July 2013 08:20Web

Embedded systems

Tlatex 3 Hours    Max.Marksi 75

N.B * Answer all questions of Part-A and any Five question a frees Part-B,

A (2? Marks)

1.    What are the essential structural units of a Microcontroller?    2 How is it different from that of & JStabedder processor?

2.    Explain the advantage of a Cache with multiways and blocks in an embedded system,    3

3.    How do the ARM?, ARM9, ARM11 differ? When do you prefer them?    3

*,    Bow is break point interrupt for debugging embedded software?    2

'>*    Mention the use f Queues for implementing the protocol for a network, 2

6.    When do we program in JAVA for Embedded system design?    2

?* What is a timer? How does a counter perform prefix time initiated events generation?    3

8.    Explain the use of "Petrinet Model in the design of embedded system. 3

9.    Bbw is an USD circuit acts as a powerful analysis tool?    2

10.    How do you set the system clock using function Void Oatime set (unsigned irat count*)?    3

?AKT , B (5x10-5(0 Harks)

11.    a) List and explain the essential characteristics of a processor structure

in which every system designer needs to consider during processor selection and Hardware design,    6

b) Explain three stage pipeline, superscalar processing, branch and data dependency penalties*    4-

12.    a) Explain the HW and SW features of phillips microcontroller. Mention some

of Its applications,    Jf

b) A new generation automobile has about 100 embedded systems. How do the bus arbitration bits, control bits for address and data length, data,

CSC check, acknowledgement and endian bits in CM baa help the networking devices distributed in automobile embedded system.    Jf

13V a) Vihat are the sophisticated interfacing features required in device

ports?Explain the    5

b) How does the USB protocol provide for a device attachment, configure reconfigure and bandwidth sharing with other devices?    V

1>+. a) Explain the programming concepts for embedded programing in C++, 5

b) Writ a C program to transmit PPP data frames encapsulating MD96 data bits. Bits are to be transmitted in a sequence of 32-bit integers stored in Memory as in big-endian format,    5

15* a) Design a table to clearly distinguish the cases when there is concurrent processing of processes, with tasks and with threads by using a scheduler.    *

b) Explain about device servicing without using 13&3?    ' **

16,    a) Explain embedded system (ES) Independent design follo*#d by system

integration and by ES-Concurrent.HW-SW codesign.    ?

b) Explain SW - ffif tradeoff. What are the advantages and disadvantages of SW implementation Instead of HW implementation?    f

17,    Write short notes on    (5+5) a) H W - 3 W features of PIG Microcontroller


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