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Ranchi University 2009 M.B.A Organization Change & Intervention Strategies OBH (3302) - Question Paper

Tuesday, 29 January 2013 04:00Web

Full marks: 70 Time: three hours

Candidates are needed to provide their answers in their own word as far as practicable

The figures in the margin indicate the full marks.

ans any 5 ques. including Q. No. 10 which is compulsory.

1. Identify and explain various varieties of modifications that are facing the business world today. [Marks 14]

2. How do planned internal forces of change differ from unplanned internal forces? explain in
relation to a few real life situation. [Marks 14]

3. "Through it is stated that change is the only permanent Thing ". A majority of us still have a
tendency to resist it, why? What can organization do to overcome this resistance? [Marks 14]

4. What is OD? discuss the different Phases of OD program. [Marks 14]

5. How does the progress of diagnosis help to discover issues and areas of improvement regarding
organization structure and function? [Marks 14]

6. elaborate the advantages and disadvantages of using an internal change agent to bring about
effective change in an organization? [Marks 14]

7. discuss with the help of a diagram, action research as approach to problem-solving. [Marks 14]

8. How does MBO as an OD intervention relate to goal setting and performance review? explain the
steps comparing MBO. [Marks 14]

9. discuss the different ethical concepts that are necessary to implement OD? [Marks 14]

10. Case-study : [Marks 14]

Martin star, president and founder of star valve Co., Known his company has a issue. Star valve designs and manufacture sophisticated valves used in chemical pants. While Star's products are real innovations, the company hasn't grown appreciably in the 5 years prior to 2002. It was not for lack of trying. Star had changed the head of his accounting, manufacturing and sales department in the prior 5 years, and had recently begun a search for a new sales manager for Europe. And yet by almost any criterion, Productivity sales growth, profit margins, or profits, for instance the company had either not made headway in the five-year period or was truly somewhat behind.
The company is highly labour intensive. Star valve is basically an engineering firm. Out of 100 employees, 15 are engineers, involve in designing valves, 35 works in plant different semiskilled or skilled machine-type jobs, and rest are managers or office employees.
Aside from the financial result, Mr. Star is also worried about the fact that quality is beginning to diminish, as measured by complaints from several long-term customers. Employees also seem to be continuously ignoring the administrative structure of the firm, such as the network of policies, procedures, and checklist the company traditionally uses to ensure, for instance, that when a request for a proposal comes in, the engineers ask all the needed ques.. Mr. Star recently met with the members of his Board of directors, seeking their advice. "I don't know what the issue is", he stated. "All I know is that we're getting nowhere fast."


1. Which organization change and developmental techniques would you recommend Mr. Star use to
try to determine what exactly the issues are at the company? Please be specific.

2. Do you think it would be useful for Mr. Star to implement a total quality management program?
Also tell Mr. Star what the pros and cons of implementing such program in his company might be.

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