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The Institution of Engineers,India 2006 Diploma Electronics and Communication BUSINESS SYSTEMS - - Question Paper

Saturday, 15 June 2013 11:55Web

Time: three Hours June 2006 Max. Marks: 100

NOTE: There are nine ques. in all.
• ques. one is compulsory and carries 20 marks. ans to Q. 1. must be written in the space given for it in the ans book supplied and nowhere else.
• Out of the remaining 8 ques. ans any 5 ques.. every ques. carries 16 marks.
• Any needed data not explicitly given, may be suitably presumed and said.

Q.1 select the accurate or best option in the following: (2x10)

a. A program is made up of

(A) Constants (B) Buffers
(C) Instructions (D) All of the above

b. The purpose of EXIT command is to

(A) Get out of a condition loop
(B) Get out of FoxPro
(C) Transfer the control to a different procedure
(D) None of the above

c. To unconditionally exit from a SCAN-ENDSCAN loop, 1 can use

(A) LOOP (B) .NOT. EOF()

d. The operation carried out on an input data for checking its correctness and acceptability is termed as

(A) Validation (B) Verification
(C) Moderation (D) None of the above.

e. A pseudo code is

(A) A machine level code
(B) Structured English to communicate the logic of a program
(C) A random number
(D) A Password

f. The least level of management is concernd with

(A) operational management (B) tactical info
(C) long term planning (D) strategic info
g. The accounting formula is

(A) Total Liabilities = Total assets + capital
(B) Total Assets = Total liabilities + capital
(C) Total liabilities = Total assets + total expenses
(D) None of the above
h. The function to remove leading and trailing spaces from a character expression is

(A) TRIM() (B) LTRIM()

i. The most improper command to permanently remove all records from the current table is

(A) Pack (B) Delete all
(C) Zap (D) Delete file

j. ABC analysis is used in

(A) Financial control (B) Inventory control
(C) Stores accounting (D) None of the above

ans any 5 ques. out of 8 ques..
every ques. carries 16 marks.

Q.2 a. elaborate the advantages of using flowchart? (9)

b. Draw a flowchart of the subsequent issue. Input 100 numbers from the keyboard and print the sum of all the numbers. (7)

Q.3 a. Write a FoxPro program to display the multiplication table for a provided number. (8)

b. discuss the manner in which the subsequent file operations can be performed in FoxPro (i) update (ii) append (iii) joining 2 files (iv) opening RQBE window. (8)

Q.4 a. discuss how a popup menu can be created in a Foxpro? (8)

b. discuss the subsequent data processing terms:

(i) File accessing. (ii) File maintenance. (4+4)

Q.5 a. discuss briefly the applications of software utilities. (8)

b. elaborate the activities and components of Data Base Management System? (8)
Q.6 a. elaborate the objectives of auditing a computerised system? (8)

b. Briefly discuss the role of documentation in system study? (8)

Q.7 discuss the use of subsequent commands in Foxpro

(i) Recall (ii) Text, Endtext
(iii) For, Endfor (iv) Scan, Endscan (4+4+4+4)

Q.8 Write a Foxpro based program to display the Telephone subscriber info whenever the telephone number is entered (16)

Field Name Type Width Description
TELE_SUBSC Character 30 Name of the Subscriber
TELE_NUMBE Number 07 Telephone Number
ADDRESS Character 50 Address of the Subscriber

Q.9 a. Differentiate ranging from a master file and transaction file with the help of an example. (8)

b. provide a few applications of business data processing. (8)


Code: DC-07              Subject: BUSINESS SYSTEMS

Time: 3 Hours                                                                    June 2006                                 Max. Marks: 100


NOTE: There are 9 Questions in all.

      Question 1 is compulsory and carries 20 marks. Answer to Q. 1. must be written in the space provided for it in the answer book supplied and nowhere else.

      Out of the remaining EIGHT Questions answer any FIVE Questions. Each question carries 16 marks.

      Any required data not explicitly given, may be suitably assumed and stated.



Q.1       Choose the correct or best alternative in the following:                                         (2x10)


a.       A program is made up of


                   (A)  Constants                                     (B)  Buffers

(C)    Instructions                                  (D)  All of the above


b.      The purpose of EXIT command is to


(A)    Get out of a condition loop          

(B)    Get out of FoxPro

(C)    Transfer the control to another procedure                                                                 

(D)    None of the above


             c.   To unconditionally exit from a SCAN-ENDSCAN loop, one can use


(A)    LOOP                                         (B)  .NOT. EOF()

(C)  EXIT                                           (D)  SKIP


             d.   The operation carried out on an input data for checking its correctness and acceptability is termed as


(A)    Validation                                   (B) Verification

(C)  Moderation                                 (D)  None of the above.    


             e.   A pseudo code is


(A)     A machine level code                  

(B)     Structured English to communicate the logic of a program

(C)     A random number                       

(D)    A Password


             f.    The lowest level of management is concernd with


(A)     operational management               (B)  tactical information

(C)  long term planning                         (D)  strategic information

             g.   The accounting equation is


(A)   Total Liabilities = Total assets + capital          

(B)   Total Assets = Total liabilities + capital

(C)  Total liabilities = Total assets + total expenses

(D)  None of the above

             h.   The function to remove leading and trailing spaces from a character expression is


(A)    TRIM()                                        (B) LTRIM()

(C) RTRIM()                                      (D) ALLTRIM()


             i.    The most appropriate command to permanently remove all records from the current table is


(A)   Pack                                            (B) Delete all

(C) Zap                                               (D) Delete file


             j.    ABC analysis is used in


(A)  Financial control                           (B)  Inventory control

(C)  Stores accounting                         (D)  None of the above



Answer any FIVE Questions out of EIGHT Questions.

Each question carries 16 marks.


  Q.2     a.   What are the advantages of using flowchart?                                                       (9)


             b.   Draw a flowchart of the following problem.  Input 100 numbers from the keyboard and print the sum of all the numbers.                                        (7)


  Q.3     a.   Write a FoxPro program to display the multiplication table for a given number.                    (8)


             b.   Explain the manner in which the following file operations can be performed in FoxPro (i) update (ii) append (iii) joining two files              (iv) opening RQBE window.                                                   (8)                   


  Q.4     a.   Explain how a popup menu can be created in a Foxpro?                                     (8)


             b.   Explain the following data processing terms:


                   (i)  File accessing.                                (ii)  File maintenance.                          (4+4)


  Q.5     a.   Explain briefly the applications of software utilities.                                              (8)


             b.   What are the activities and components of Data Base Management System?                       (8)

  Q.6     a.   What are the objectives of auditing a computerised system?                                (8)


             b.   Briefly explain the role of documentation in system study?                                   (8)


  Q.7           Explain the use of following commands in Foxpro


                   (i)    Recall                                           (ii)  Text, Endtext

                   (iii)  For, Endfor                                   (iv) Scan, Endscan                     (4+4+4+4)


  Q.8           Write a Foxpro based program to display the Telephone subscriber information whenever the telephone number is entered                                (16)


Field Name







Name of the Subscriber




Telephone Number




Address of the Subscriber


  Q.9     a.   Differentiate between a master file and transaction file with the help of an example.              (8)


             b.   Give some applications of business data processing.                                            (8)



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