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The Institution of Engineers,India 2011 A.M.I.E Section A The Institution of Engineers, India Winter Computing And Informatics AD 303 (1403) - Question Paper

Friday, 14 June 2013 09:25Web

W' 11 : two FN:AN 203 / AD 303 (1403)
Time : 3 Hours
Maximum marks : 100
ans 5 questions, taking ANY 2 from Group A,
ANY 2 from Group B and ALL from Group C.
All parts of a ques. (a, b, etc.) should be answered at 1 place.
ans should be brief and to-the-point and be supplemented with neat sketches.
Unnecessary long ans may outcome in loss of marks.
Any missing or wrong data may be presumed suitably giving proper justification.
Figures to the right-hand side margin indicate full marks.

Group A

(a) What do you understand by structured programming? [Mark 5]
(b) What is a function prototype? Why is it required? [Mark 5]
(c) Using an example, show how a single dimensional array is passed to a function
(your example should have both the function definition and the call statement) [Mark 5]
(d) Using an example, show how a two-dimensional array is passed to a function
(your example should have both the function definition and the call statement) [Mark 5]

(a) ranging from recursion and iteration, which is more efficient? Why? [Mark 5]
(b) Write a recursive function that would take as its parameters a single dimensional
integer array and an integer value indicating the number of elements current in the
array and would return the sum of numbers in the array. [Mark 10]
(c) Declare a structure named learner having name (10 characters), roll (integer),
mark(float). [Mark 5]

(a) What will be printed out by the subsequent C program? discuss the cause behind
your ans. [Mark 10]

int a[10] = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10};
main ( )
int i ;
for(i=0 ; i<10; i++ )
*(a + i) + = one ;
printf("%d\n", *(a + i) );

(b) Briefly discuss how TCP/IP achieves error-free transmission of data? [Mark 10]

(a) discuss the working of a e-mail system, and the specific protocols that it uses. [Mark 10]
(b) What do you understand by a client-server system? provide an example of a client-
server system. elaborate the advantages of a client server system as compared
to a monolithic system. [Mark 10]

Group B

(a) Convert 211.25 in decimal to binary. [Mark 5]
(b) Convert 211.25 in decimal to octal. [Mark 5]
(c) Draw the truth table for the Boolean expression. [Mark 5]

¯a b + ¯b c + a ¯c

(d) What is a cache memory? What is its role in computer operation? [Mark 5]

(a) Using an improper block diagram, discuss how CPU, main memory, cache
memory, secondary memory and the input/output units are interconnected in a
computer. [Mark 10]
(b) Draw the truth table of a two to four decoder, and realize the decoder circuit
using AND and NOT gates. [Mark 10]

(a) discuss the principal difference ranging from a system software and an
application software. [Mark 5]
(b) What is a virtual memory operating system? [Mark 5]
(c) Explain, using suitable diagram, how the virtual address is mapped to
a physical address. [Mark 10]

(a) What is meant by process in an operating system? [Mark 5]
(b) What is meant by a time-shared operating system? [Mark 5]
(c) What is meant by a system call? provide an example of a system call. How
is a system call differ from a function call? [Mark 10]

Group C

9. ans the subsequent : [Mark 10 x 2]

(i) How much time will be needed to transmit 100 K bits of data over a 100 Mbps line?
(ii) What does 'scope' of a variable mean?
(iii) What will be the output of the subsequent C program?
main ( )
int i = 0 ;
for( ; ; ;) Printf("%d\n", i++);

(iv) What will be printed by the subsequent program segment?
int a;
a = two + five / 20 * 30 -1 ;
printf("value of a = %d\n", a);

(v) Which of the subsequent best define the Internet?
(a) LAN
(b) MAN
(c) WAN
(d) Ethernet

(vi) Consider the subsequent function in C :
void swap ( int a, int b) {
int temp;
temp = a;
a = b;
b = temp;
Correct the function (if necessary) so that a call to the function, e.g., swap( &x, &y)
would interchange the values of x and y.

(vii) Which 1 of the subsequent statements is false?
(a) Compilers can detect runtime errors.
(b) a few Unix versions can run on laptops.
(c) Mouse is connected to the computer through the serial interface.
(d) Executable files contain machine code.

(viii) Which 1 of the subsequent can be considered as an output device of a computer?
(a) VDU
(b) Mouse
(c) Keyboard
(d) Modem

(ix) Which 1 of the subsequent statements is false?
(a) Main memory can be accessed faster than secondary memory.
(b) Main memory is a permanent memory.
(c) Cache memory is a volatile memory.
(d) Hard disk is a secondary memory.

(x) What is the full form of HTML?

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