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University of Hyderabad (UoH) 2010 Ph.D Psychology ENTRANCE ,E 2, BOOKLET in - Question Paper

Tuesday, 11 June 2013 11:15Web

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Hall Ticket No: -

Marks: 75    -

Time: 2 Hrs

Instructions Read the following instructions carefully:

1.    Write your Hall Ticket Number in the space provided above and on the answer sheet given to you.

2.    Hand over the answer sheet at the end of the examination.

3.    This question paper has three sections Section A, Section B and Section C.

4.    Each Section carries equal marks-25 marks each.

5.    Choose one question each from Section A and Section B. There is no choice in Section C.

This book contains 3 pages excluding this page

1.    Design a study to find out the incidence of Juvenile Diabetes and its relationship with heredity and life style.

2.    Design a study to establish a relationship between Smoking and Lung Cancer.

3.    Design a study to find out the relative impact of Yoga, Meditation and Relaxation therapy for patients suffering from insomnia.

SECTION B    25 marks

Answer any ONE of the following

1.    What is biopsychosocial approach to health and well being? Discuss in the context of major life style disorders

2.    Stress has become a common phenomenon. In this context suggest various therapeutic approaches to handle stress.    ,

Following are two views on pre marital training courses. Read them carefully.

You have to support one of the two views and give your own argument justifying your stand. (Word limit- 250 words or two pages).


Alarmed by declining marriage figures and increasing divorce rates, the Iranian government has come up with a novel-if somewhat bizarre-way to tackle the issue. Starting next week, it wont be enough for suitors seeking a brides hand in marriage to be merely financially stable and of good social standing-they will also have to be certified by the government to be eligible to marry.

Prospective grooms will have to register for a three month-long online course, which will be administered by the government-run national youth organisation. Apparently, the course will teach marriage hopefuls the alphabet of life according to Mohsen Zanganeh, the head of the National Youth Organization for Tehran province. A 40 member panel of experts has been appointed as a scientific board and once the students of this virtual matrimony University successfully complete their course, they will be given a certificate indicating their readiness for taking the plunge.

This is a classic example of government interfering in the personal affairs of the citizens where it should have no role to play. A governments business is governance, not match-making. Who a person chooses to marry and how a couple works out its domestic arrangements should not be subject to any kind of state supervision or control.

In any case, it takes more than three months of training to navigate a marriage, theres no way of assuring that such training will reduce divorce rates. What goes into making a marriage work can only be learnt by trial and error and couples are best left to figure out what works-or does not work- for them on their own. Lets not extend the licence raj into a wholly new domain, one that could be open to extraordinary abuse by governments.

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People often harbour flighty notions about married life. And they pay for it.

Thats why marriage should be approached more scientifically. Prenuptial training in Iran is a brainwave worth emulating. Some will chafe at the idea of official certification of readiness for matrimony. But look at it this way. Governments also manage education and state appointed teachers certify academic prowess and other skills.

Whats wrong if the same principle drives online courses preparing the untutored for lifes biggest test: keeping ones marriage vows?

With traditional approaches increasingly called into question, individuals in their personal and professional lives must cope with the pressures and snares of modem life. As society gets more atomised- a seemingly irreversible process-youngsters become more prone to navel-gazing. Love does draw people out from within themselves, but it is self-reflective in its core. Marriage is a different, less intoxicating, kettle of fish: two people stick together for good or bad, even when loves first flush has faded.

Prenuptial training can create awareness of marital responsibilities. To argue that matters of the heart cant be taught or graded is to miss the point. Marriage isnt just about the hearts fuzzy universe. Its also about using the head, about knowing the right time to take the plunge. Suitors and want-to-be brides, as interested parties, cant dispassionately judge their own battle-readiness. Whats wrong if government-designated experts step in? Childhood onwards, girls and boys undergo social conditioning about what it takes to be good wives and husbands. So, the objection to prenuptial training as pedagogical is rather hypocritical.



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