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Nalanda Open University 2010 M.Sc Botany Part–I, –III (Plant Pathology) Annual , - Question Paper

Saturday, 08 June 2013 06:35Web

M.Sc. Botany Part–I, Paper–III (Plant Pathology) Annual Examination, 2010


M.Sc. Botany

Part-1, Paper-Ill (Plant Pathology)

Annual Examination, 2010 Full Marks : 80    Time : 3 Hours.

Answer any Five Questions.

Ali questions carry equal marks.

1.    How a physiological disease differ from a parasitic disease ? Give an account of classification of plant disease.

2.    Defme toxin and mention their role played in plant pathogenesis.

3.    give an account of various structural defence mechanism adopted bv plants against a pathogenic infection.

4.    Write short notes on any Tivo of the following

(a) Classification of defence mechanism in plants (I)) Cellular defence structure

(c)    Cytoplasmic defence

(d)    Abscission layers

(e)    Tylosis

5.    What do vou means bv plant disease resistance ? Describe different tvpes of true resistance of disease.

6.    What are the major division of plant disease control ? Write the physical method of plant disease control.

7.    Write short notes on am- Ttvo of the following

(a) Crop rotation    (I)) Field sanitation

(c) Soil amendment    (d) Soil Solarization

8.    Give the concept of biological control of plant disease. I low do you think the biological controls is a potent and safe method of plant disease control ?

9.    Write short notes on anv Two of the following

(a) Loose smut of Wheat    (I)) Tikka disease of Groundnut

(c) Black & stems rust of Wheat    (d) Late blight of potato

10.    Write short notes on anv Tu>o of the following (a) Systemic disease

(I)) Lndemic disease

(c) Epidemic or Epiphvlotic disease

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