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Kerala University 2010 M.B.A - (2009 Scheme)- Management Theory

Friday, 07 June 2013 02:45Web

First Semester MBA Degree Examination, January 2010
(2009 Scheme) (Full time and Part time)


Time : three hours
Max. Marks: 60


Write short notes on any five of the subsequent. every ques. carries three marks.[5x3=15 Marks]

1. Managerial ethics

2. Political environment

3. Works study

4. Financial motivators

5. Planning premises

6. Unity of direction

7. Authority

8. MBO


ans any 3 of the subsequent. every ques. carries 10 marks. [3X10=30 Marks]

9. Distinguish ranging from Management and Administration.

10. Explain briefly the major functions of managers.

11. Discuss theory X and theory Y.

12. Explain the tools and techniques for the effectiveness in decision-making.

13. Define span of control. State the factors influencing it.

14. Define control. discuss the different steps involved in the process of control.


15. Analyze the case and ans the subsequent ques.. [15 marks]

The newly appointed supervisor of the tool making department of a company has been reviewing the records of tool makers as a means of getting better acquainted with his men. He is using every possible means to get thoroughly acquainted with his men. He is using every possible means to get thoroughly acquainted because he has been told that the performance of this department has been on the decline and needs to be improved.

He has paused at the record of Subash because Subash appears to him as 1 of the beneath avg. men. The record surprises him because in education, psychological tests and previous ratings, Subash was among the top 10%. So he decided to have a conference with Subash in the afternoon.
The discussion ranging from the 2 has proceeded only a few minutes when Subash invites the supervisor to stop at his house on way home to see a few of his hobby work. There Subash indicates the supervisor a few of the finest parts for miniature cars, kept in his workshop. And Mrs. Subash points out that her husband can hardly be dragged out his workshop to get a good night's sleep.


1) Does Subash have a motivational potential that can be exploited?

2) How do you account for his lack of motivation on the job?

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