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Kerala University 2009-5th Year L.LB General Final Year LL.B , (Common for 3 Year and ) Part II – I – COMPANY LAW - Question Paper

Thursday, 06 June 2013 10:05Web

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Final Year LL.B. Degree Examination, June 2009 (Common for 3 Years and 5 Years Course) Part - II - Paper - II : INTERNATIONAL LAW AND HUMAN RIGHTS

Time : 3 Hours

Max. Marks : 80


Answer any ten questions :

1.    Recognition.

2.    IMO.

3.    Occupation.

4.    ILO.

5.    Treaty as a source of law.

6.    Inviolability of Diplomatic Mission.

7.    FAO.

8.    Declaration of Human Rights.

9.    Territorial Waters.

10.    Exclusive Economic Zone.

11.    Genocide.

12.    International Court of Justice.    (10x2=20 Marks)

1.    State A came into existence. State B extends only defecto recognition and enters into trade relations and diplomate relations with State A. Is the recognition dejure essential ?

2.    State I experiments a nuclear weapon on its border as a result of which the neighbouring State P questioned the act of experimentum nuclear weapon since the nuclear fall out posed a danger to the lives of people living near the border. Decide.

3.    A diplomat Mr. R of State K indulges in espionage activities in State D. What Steps D is entitled to take against Mr. R as per the International Law of diplomacy ?

4.    A State by name K is found guilty of violating basic Human Rights such as Right to life and liberty of its population. This violation was brought to the notice of the UN Commission on Human Rights. What steps are to be taken by the UN Commission to curb the violation of Human Rights ?

5.    State K started constructing nuclear reactor on its border area. As a result of that it has caused transboundary pollution to the people living near the border of State Y. Suggest the legal remedy for Y State against State K.    (4x6=24)


Answer any two of the following :

1.    The birth of the UNO marked the beginning of new era in the modern World. Explain.

2.    Explain the significance of the Convention on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights.

3.    Explain the functions, privileges and immunities of diplomatic staff.

4.    What do you mean by exclusive Economic Zone ? How is this different from Continental Shelf ?    (2x18=36 Marks)


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