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Kerala University 2009-5th Year L.LB General Final Year LL.B , (Common For 3 Year and ) Part – II – – III – Elective – II WOMEN AND THE LAW AND LAW RELATING TO CHILDREN - Question Paper

Thursday, 06 June 2013 10:00Web

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Final Year LL.B. Degree Examination, June 2009 (Common For 3 Year and 5 Year Course) Part - II - Paper - III - Elective - II WOMEN AND THE LAW AND LAW RELATING TO CHILDREN

Time : 3 Hours    Max. Marks : 80


Answer any ten of the following questions. Each question carries 2 marks.

1.    Ceremonies of a Hindu Marriage

2.    Agnates and cognates

3.    Stridhan

4.    Puberty

5.    Brothel

6.    Begging

7.    Observation Home

8.    Adultry

9.    Doctrine of Radd

10.    Amniocentesis

11.    Dowry Death.    (10x2=20 Marks)




1.    A knowing that he is likely to cause the death of a pregnant woman does an act which, if it caused the death of the woman would amount to culpable homicide.

The woman is injured, but does not die; but the death of an unborn quick child with which she is a pregnant is thereby caused. A is guilty of the offence under IPC.

2.    A, a Christian woman embraces Islam and marries B, a Muslim man. She then converts her religion from Islam to Christianity. The marriage of A with B is dissolved. Whether she has to file petition for divorce in the Court.

3.    A was married before she attained 15 years of age. She repudiated the marriage before she attained 18 years of age. She filed the petition for divorce after attaining 19 years of age. Whether A succeeds ?

4.    A, a widow, sues her father and father-in-law for maintenance separately-Decide.

(4x6=24 Marks)


Answer any three questions. Each question carries 12 marks.

1.    Examine the various grounds under which a decree for judicial separation may be granted.

2.    Who are the persons entitled to maintenance under Mohammedan law and explain the basis and extent of liability.

3.    Write a critical account of the provision relating to Adulting under the Indian Penal code 1860.

4. Write down the guidelines laid down by the Supreme Court to check the sexual

harassment in employment.    (3x12=36 Marks)


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