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Kerala University 2010-5th Sem B.Tech Computer Science and Engineering Com - Operating systems - Question Paper

Wednesday, 05 June 2013 09:15Web



Tunc: Three Hours    Maximum: 1U0 Marks

PART A Mnsm'r at! tfwislions)

1.    Explain the features of real time operating system.

2.    What is the purpose of the tommand interpreter?

3.    What are the activities of an operating system in regard to fik management?

4.    Explain the criteria for choosing a CPU scheduling algorithm

5.    Differentiate segmented paging and paged segmentation addressing schemes

6.    DilTercntiatc deadlock and starvation

7.    What is a semaphore'?

S. What is the importance of protection in operating system?

9 What is thrashing? How cn (his be eliminated?

10. Write short notes on scctor queuing?

(10x4 =40 marks)

PART B Module I

11.    aj Briefly explain OS services

bKompare and contrast multi programming & time sharing operating system


12.    a)Which are the operation allowed to files b)Explain file allocation methods, cjlixplain various file system services

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13.    a)Discuss demand paging scheme for memory management

b)Consider the following set of processes with the given CPU burst time and

urrival time.

Proccss    Arrival Time Bunit time

PI    0,0 8

P2    0,4 4

P3    L.O 1

What is the average turnaround time for these process with FCFS scheduling algorithm and SJF scheduling algorithm


14. a)What are the action taken when page fault occurs b}Define critical section problem

c) Describe the nun-preemptive CPU scheduling algorithm


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