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Kerala University 2009 B.A.M.S Ayurvedic Medicine and Surgery Ashtanga Hridaya , New Scheme - Question Paper

Saturday, 01 June 2013 04:20Web

1. Write about Trividharoga karanas.
2. Write the Karmas of Avikrutha kapha and Upakrama of kapha.
3. Enumerate Oushadhakalas. Differentiate samudga and antharabhaktha.
4. Write the lakshana, karma of Madhurarasa and its amithopayogavikaras. Write
Madhura skanda.
5. discuss Rogamargas.
6. provide a description about Vamana, Virechana and Nasya karma.
7. Write the locations of Panchapitta and its functions.
8. elaborate the signs and symptoms of Yapyaroga ? Write a few examples of
9. provide a detailed description of Sapthavidharoga.
10. "............Sthaninum Prathikruthya Va"- discuss. (10×5=50 Marks)

1. discuss Paada Sampath. Write the importance of Bhishak among them.
2. Establish the relationship ranging from Dosha and Dhatus.
3. describe Chaya and Prakopa. Write Chayalakshana of every dosha.
4. Write about Atikarshyavikaras and Lamghana samyak yoga.
5. discuss Vyavayi and Vikashi with examples.
6. describe Vipaka and Prabhava with examples.
7. Write about Bhudesa. define the features of Anoopadesa.
8. describe Samprapthi and Upasaya.
9. Write about Manodoshas, Vikaras and its line of treatment.
10. Write about Abhyanga, Vyayama and Udwarthana. (10×5=50 Marks)

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