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Cochin University of Science and Techology (CUST) 2008-1st Year B.Tech engineering physics - Question Paper

Saturday, 25 May 2013 07:50Web

BTECH 1st YEAR exam JUNE 2008
Time:3 Hrs


1. a) How will you test the optical planeness of a glass plate?

b) compute the thickness of a retardation plate, that can convert a PPL into CPL.
provided wavelength =589nm, refractive indices for extraordinary rays = 1.55,
refractive indices for ordinary rays = 1.54.

c) Briefly discuss the principle of holography.

d) List any five applications of ultrasonic waves.

e) Using Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle, prove that no electron is residing inside
the nucleus.

f) elaborate thermonuclear reactions?

g) discuss the terms : Lattice Planes & Miller Indices

h) What is meant by double refraction?


2. a) explain the theory of interference in thin films.

b) provide differences b/w Interference & Diffraction.

3. a) discuss the construction & working of a Nicol Prism.

b) elaborate half shades? Briefly discuss the working of Lorantz half shade.

4. a) discuss the terms 1) Optical Pumping 2) Stimulated emission

b) Outline the principle & working of the He-Ne Laser.

5. a) Derive the expression for Numerical Aperture of an optical fibre.

b) discuss the working of an optical fibre communication system.

6. a) What is a wave function? provide its physical significance.

b) Derive time independent Schrodinger formula.

7. a) discuss the working of a Nuclear reactor.

b) State Pauli’s exclusion principle.

8. a) State & discuss Bragg’s legal regulations.

b) provide the classification of semiconductors with their applications.

9. a) What is Meissner effect?

b) Distinguish b/w kind I & kind II superconductors with eg.


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