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Rajasthan Technical University 2009-1st Year B.Tech : - (semester 2) Basic Environmental Engineering - Question Paper

Friday, 24 May 2013 05:00Web

B.Tech I-Year (semester II) Examination, August-2009
Basic Environmental Engineering

Unit I

1. a) What do you understand by environmental engineering? provide your specific comments on the objectives of environmental education. [Marks 8]

b) discuss the biotic and a biotic environment and its interdependence. Mention the roles of various kinds of biotic components of the environment. [Marks 8]

2. a) elaborate the adverse effects of air pollution, noise pollution and water pollution? [Marks 8]

b) elaborate the functions and powers of central pollution control board? elaborate the aims and objectives of laws made for protection of environment in our country? [Marks 8]

Unit II

3. a) Draw a neat sketch of Hydrological cycle and explain the different sources of water. [Marks 8]

b) What do you mean by treatment of water? Draw a flow diagram for the treatment of surface water and briefly discuss the methods used for the treatment of surface water. [Marks 8]

4. a) explain the different methods of treatment of waste water. Justify the need for the treatment of waste water. [Marks 8]

b) elaborate the different methods of disposal of waste water? discuss them and justify the need for disposal of waste water. [Marks 8]

Unit III

5. a) What do you mean by air pollution? explain different air pollutants and their sources. [Marks 8]

b) define ozone depletion, its harmful effects and causes of ozone depletion. How the ozone depletion can be prevented? [Marks 8]

6. a) discuss the different ways to control air pollutants. elaborate the air quality standards? [Marks 8]

b) define global warming, its harmful effects and control measures to decrease the impact of global warming. [Marks 8]

Unit IV

7. a) discuss the characteristics of solid waste. discuss different ways and means of collection and transportation of solid waste in our country. [Marks 8]

b) What is hazardous waste? define the transportation and disposal system of hazardous waste. [Marks 8]

8. a) What is biomedical waste? elaborate the special measures to be taken in its management? discuss them. [Marks 8]

b) discuss different ways and means of treatment of solid waste in our country. discuss the ways of energy recovery from solid waste. [Marks 8]

Unit V

9. a) What do you understand by renewable sources of energy? explain different sources of renewable energy in details. [Marks 8]

b) elaborate the objectives of ecological study? How do you classify the different aspects of ecology? [Marks 8]

10. a) What is biodiversity? elaborate the basic laws of biodiversity? define the population characteristics analysis in ecology. [Marks 8]

b) What is the necessity of environmental impact assessment? define the methodology of environmental impact assessment. [Marks 8]

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