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Biju Patnaik University of Technology 2008-8th Sem B.Tech Protein Engineering - Question Paper

Thursday, 23 May 2013 05:30Web

Total number of printed pages - 7    B.Tech

PEBT 8405

Eighth Semester Examination - 2008 PROTEIN ENGINEERING Full Marks-70

Time: 3 Hours

Answer Question No. 1 which is compulsory and any five from the rest.

The figures in the right-hand margin indicate marks.

Total number of printed pages - 7    B.Tech

PEBT 8405


1. Answer the following questions :

(a) What is the contribution of conformational entropy of a polypeptide chain of 100 amino acids residues to its free energy ?

(b)    Name the four different bond interactions to confer stability to the engineered protein.

(c)    What do you mean by Molecular Chaperons ? What role it plays in protein architecture ?

(d)    What do you mean by cotton effect in Circular Dichroism ?

(e)    How many numbers of primers were used for PCR based site directed mutagenesis to insert a mutation in the DNA ?

(f)    What is the approximate frequency of amide-1 band of peptide linkage in IR spectroscopy and what it infers ?

(g)    What is anti-idiotopes ? What is its significance in enzyme engineering ?

(h)    How many number of a-helices and (3-sheets are present in NAD binding domain ?

(i)    The first three rotational Raman lines of linear tri-atomic molecules are at 4.86, 8.14 and 11.36 cm-1 from the exciting Raman line. Estimate the rotational constant and the moment of inertia of the molecule.

(j) The structure of protein has been determined by X-ray diffraction of a protein crystal. It is found to contain 31% a-heli-ces, 58% (3-sheets and 11% random coils.

From the Circular Dichroism analysis the values are 60 % a-helices, 35% (3-sheets and 5% random coils. What inference will you draw about the structure ?

2.    What are the protein engineering targets relating with biosensor research and development ? Briefly explain the strategies of genetically fused protein with suitable examples.

Total number of printed pages - 7    B.Tech

PEBT 8405


3.    What do you mean by site directed Mutagenesis ? Briefly explain the various methods of site directed mutagenesis used for genetic engineering of novel protein. Add a note on the strategies of selection of mutants. 2+5+3

4.    (a) Briefly explain the principle, Instrumenta

tion and applications of Mass Spectroscopy for protein analysis.    7

(b) The mass spectra of a constitutional isomer is shown below. It became gas at room temperature. The molecular ion is the small peak at m/z = 102 amu. Name the isomer, which will provide this spectrum.    3

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5. (a) Briefly explain the rational approaches of enzyme engineering for stabilization with reference to protease isolated from Bacillus subtilis ?    7

(b) Briefly explain the designing of lysozyme with reference to its thermo stability. 3

6.    (a) Briefly explain the methods used for the

determination of the covalent structure of protein.    6

(b) What is the role of Edmanns reagent in Amino acid sequencing ?    4

7.    Write down short notes on any two of the following:    5x2

(a)    Ramachandran Plot

(b)    Protein Engineering through covalent modifications

(c)    Characteristic of IR bands of peptide linkage.

8. What are the various hierarchical level of protein structure ? Briefly explain the various kinds of bonds and interactions at various level of structure. Add a note on thermodynamics of polypeptide chain folding.    4+3+3


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