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Biju Patnaik University of Technology 2008-8th Sem B.Tech BTech Simulation, Modelling and Control - Question Paper

Thursday, 23 May 2013 05:00Web

Eighth Semester Examination - 2008 SIMULATION, MODELLING AND CONTROL Full Marks-70

Time: 3 Hours



Answer Question No. 1 which is compulsory and any five from the rest.

The figures in the right-hand margin indicate marks.

1. Write short notes on the following : 2*10

(a)    Block Diagram

(b)    Transfer Function

(c)    Nyquist plot

(d)    Closed Loop Control

(e)    Random Numbers

(f)    Random Varieties

(g)    Continuous Simulation

(h)    Terminating Simulation

(i)    Entities, Activities, Events and state variables.

(j) Simulation clock.

2. Consider the following continuously operating job shop. International times of jobs are distributed as follows:






Probability of arrival





Processing times for jobs are normally distributed with mean 50 minutes and standard deviation 8 minutes. Construct a simulation table and perform a simulation for 10 new customers. What is the average processing time of the 10 new jobs?    10

3.    Consider a bank with four tellers. Tellers 3 and 4 deal only with business accounts while Teller 1 and 2 deal with general accounts. Clients arrive at the bank at the rate of one every 3 1 minutes. Of the clients, 33% are business accounts. Clients randomly choose between the two tellers available for each type of account. Business accounts take 15 + 10 minutes to complete and general account takes 6 5 minutes to complete. Simulate system for 20 transactions to be completed. What percentage of time is each type of teller busy ?    10

4.    (a) Use the mixed congruential method to

generate a sequence of ten two - digit

random numbers with X = 37, a = 7, c =


29, and m = 100.


(b) How do you test uniformity of random

numbers ?


5. (a) Lead times have been found to be exponentially distributed with mean 3.7 days. Generate five random lead times from

this distribution.


(b) Regular maintenance of a production routine has been found to vary and has been modeled as a normally distributed random variable with mean 33 minutes and variance

4 minutes. Generate five random maintenance times with the give in distribution.


6.    Discuss the methods for analyzing output of steady state simulation.    10

7.    State Rouths Criterion for stability. Explain how stability of a feedback control system constituted of a Polynomial can be determined without finding roots by the above criterion.    10

8.    Why is that the frequency domain system of analysis and design popular compared to time domain system ?    10

CPME 6404    4    -C


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