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Vinayaka Missions University 2012 B.A Library Science Library classification(theory)[blis]_1020705 - Question Paper

Wednesday, 22 May 2013 04:25Web

COURSE CODE - 1020705
UG DEGREE exam - FEB 2012
(For candidates Admitted from Calendar 2007 Onwards)
Time: three Hours Max. Marks: 75
ans All the Questions: 10 X two = 20
1. describe – classification?
2. elaborate the scopes of universe subject?
3. Write short notes on analytical classification.
4. List out a few kinds of decimal classification?
5. elaborate the qualities of good Notational system?
6. What does the term zone analysis the national plane?
7. What is meant by knowledge classification?
8. What is the main feature of facet sequence?
9. Write down the purpose colon classification.
10. describe - phase analysis.
ans All the Questions: five X five = 25
11. a. discuss the need for and function of library classification
b. define with illustration the canon of characteristics or the canon for notation?
12. a. What is an Analytical –synthetic classification? discuss the concept with CC as an example?
b. explain the salient features of Dewey decimal classification?
13. a. explain a few of the postulates behind CC?
b. discuss Zone analysis with examples.
14. a. provide a systematic account of the postulation procedure with illustration.
b. Write an essay on principles of Helpful sequence.
15. a. explain the importances of" Terminology "and the canon Terminology.
b. elaborate principles isolate sequence? discuss.
ans any 2 Questions: two X 15 = 30
16. define Ranganathan's Principles of Facet Sequence. Illustrate their use in CC, DDC and UDC?
17. explain the importance of tech. terminology for the progress of scientific subjects like Library classification? discuss.
18. Classify scheme 19th edition and highlight the modifications made in the 20th and 21st editions.
19. discuss the role of library classification.
20. discuss the usefulness of postulation approach in designing of an analytic-synthetic scheme for library classification.

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