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University of Delhi 2006-2nd Year Post Graduate Diploma Journalism (Oriya) English Stream A Composition And Comprehension External Correspondence Year : - Question Paper

Wednesday, 22 May 2013 01:55Web

Q. 1. learn the subsequent passage and ans the ques. that follow:
Education has at all times had a 2 fold aim, namely instruction and training in good conduct. The conception of good conduct varies with the political institutions and social traditions of the community. In the middle ages, when there was a hierarchical organization proceeding from the serf by gradual stages up to God, the chief virtue was obedience. Children were taught to obey their parents and to reverence their social supervisors, to feel awe in the presence of the priest and submission in the presence of the Lori of the Manor. Only the Emperor and the Pope were free, and, since the morality of the time afforded no guidance to free men, the; spent their time in fighting every other. The moderns differ from the men of the thirteenth century both in aim and in method. Democracy has substituted co-operation for submission and herd-instinct for reverence; the group in regard to which herd-instinct is to fc most operative has become the nation, which was formerely rendered unimportant by the universality of the Church. Meanwhile propaganda has become persuasive rather than forceful, and h; learnt to proceed by the instilling of suitable sentiments in ear youth. Church music, school songs, and the flag determine, by tht influence on the boy, the following actions of the man in monents of strong emotion. Against these influences the assaults of cause have but little power.
The influence of political conceptions on early education is not always obvious, and is often unconscious on the part of the educator. For the present, therefore, I wish to consider education in behaviour with as little regard as possible to the social order, to which I shall return at a later stage.
When it is sought to produce a certain type of behaviour in a child or animal, there are 2 various techniques which may be followed, We may, on the 1 hand, by means of rewards and punishments reason the child or animal to perform or abstain from certain precise acts; or we may, on the other hand, seek to produce in the child or animal such emotions as will lead, on the whole, to acts of the type desires.
By a suitable distribution of reward and punishments, it is possible to control a very large part of overt behaviour.
ques. :
(a) What is the aim of education seven 3
(b) What was the concept of good conduct in the Middle Ages?
© What is the concept of good conduct in the Modern Age?
(d) How is it possible to control behaviour ? 3
(e) provide antonyms of:
(i) Obedience;
(ii) Subsequent;
(iii) Obvious. 3
(f) Write a short composition on “Need for discipline in society-”

Q. 2. (a) Do you think G. K. Chesterton’s light-hearted vie about floods is irresponsible or healthly optimistic ? Substantiate your view. *

(b) Do you agree with Forster that all the consequences of owning property are negative ?

Q. 3. (a) explain the title of the poem “Breaking Out".
ans :
(b) Show how “Once upon a Time” is a poem of ‘learning’, ‘unlearing’ and ‘relearning’.
Q. 4. (a) In what ways does the stranger reveal his understanding of human psychology in “The Man That Corrupted Hadleyburg". 15

(b) explain the behaviour of the citizens of Hadleyburg specially their attitude to the nineteeners” at the meeting in the town hall.

Q. 5. (a) The Silver Box draws a bitter contrast ranging from justice administered for the rich and justice administered for the poor. explain. 15

(b) Is Jones a thief, a rebel, or both ?
Q. 6. learn the subsequent passage and ans the ques. that follow:
One of heaven’s best gifts to man is humour, for it adds innocent pleasure to life both in health and in sickness, and helps to promote good feeling among people in their daily intercourse with 1 a different. Sydney Smith says, “Man could direct his ways by plain reason, and support his life by tasteless food; but God has provided us wit and flavour, and brighteness and laughter* and perfumes to enliven the days of man’s pilgrimage, and to charm his pained steps over the burning marl.” Think for a moment what life would be if there were no humour or wit in the world, no laughter, no fun. Now humour is not the identical thing as wit; wit is concerned chiefly with words, while humour deals rather with situations : a man may be witty and yet not possess much humour. Humour is something much larger and profounder than wit. Nearly all our greatest authors have the gift of humour. But like all the pleasurable things of life, wit and humour have their dangers, and 3 of the commonest are those of being vulgar, unkind, and profane. In other words, those who use these gifts of wit and humour must avoid vulgarity, must see that they do not hurt the feelings of others, and must beware of jesting about sacred things. The only way in which you can acquire a right taste for what is good in the world of wit and humour is for you to learn good examples, and fortunately we have many in our literature. Shakespeare is a mine in himself, so is Dickens.
(a) What does humour do ? 2
(b) Differentiate ranging from wit and humour. 2
© elaborate the dangers of humour ? 2
(d) provide 1 word substitues for : 2
(i) Showing a clear and deep understanding of serious matters.
(ii) Showing a lack of respect for a god or a religion often through language.
(e) provide a suitable title to the precis. 2
(f) Make a precis of the passage in about 90 to 100 words

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