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University of Delhi 2006-2nd Year Post Graduate Diploma Journalism (Oriya) English Stream A Composition And Comprehension Regular Year : - Question Paper

Wednesday, 22 May 2013 01:45Web

Q. 1. learn the passage provided beneath and ans the ques. that follow:
Patriotism in its simplest terms means love of one’s country. It is a natural and primitive instinct in us. In the early days of the human race, families clung together to make themselves secure from wild animals. Then many families joined together to form a tribe which defended itself against other tribes. From the tribes came the nation and with national self-consciousness came patriotism. We show our patriotism in a variety of small gestures. For example, we wave our national flag when our team wins an international match. We shout slogans on our Independence Day. We raise loud cheers when our Prime Minister stands before us. Patriotism thus combines a diversity of feelings such as of unity, oneness, pride, gratitude for security, and common aims and achievements.
But patriotism is something much more than shouting and making a noise. It is to regard one’s nation as a great organic whole. It is to identify ourselves with its past and current fortunes, and to look forward to its future destinies, eople everywhere have done awesome things for the sake of their countries. Joan, a simple village girl of France, liberated her country from the usurping British. Bhagat Singh and Chandershekhar Azad made the supreme sacrifice for the sake of India. And there have been such people [t almost every country of the world, such as George Washington in the United States, Garibaldi in Italy and Simon Bolivar in South America. Such men can never be forgotten.
Genuine patriotism is a sentiment of which we can be proud. But there is a spurious variety of it which can only be called pretended patriotism. It is no more than a clock for self-interest, not patriotism that reflects real and generous love of one’s own country. It was, perhaps, in such a situation that Dr. Johnson once defined patriotism as ‘the last resort of a scoundrel’. You can obtain such scoundrels in any country of the world. Their number seems to be particularly large in our country, at current. What will you call a black marketeer donating large amounts of money to the National Relief Fund ? Nor a politician trying to win the election by employing unfair means is any better,
(a) describe patriotism. How did it originate ? 3
(b) How do people generally expres their patriotic feelings ?
© How is patriotism more than shouting and making a noise?
(d) What is common among the great names mentioned in the provided passage ?
(e) Differentiate ranging from ‘genuine patriotism’ and ‘pretended patriotism’.
(f) Write 100-150 words on :
“Patriotism as a Grand Virtue.”
Q. 2. (a) explain the condition of block “segregated” schools as revealed by G and his mother in the essay: ‘A Fly in Buttermilk".

(b) define the issues faced by Rama Bai Ranade and Rassundari Devi while making efforts to learn and write.

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