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University of Delhi 2008-3rd Year Post Graduate Diploma Journalism (Oriya) English (SoL) BA pass - Question Paper

Wednesday, 22 May 2013 01:00Web

part A Total Marks:-100
1-Choose any 2 of the Passage beneath and ans the ques. that Follow:-
(A) We look before and after
And pine for what is not:
Our sincerest laughter
with a few pain in fraught.
our sweetest songs are those that tell of saddest thought.
(a)Name the Poem and the Poet.
(b)Describe the poet's experience of life.
(c)Do you agree with the thought contained in the last line?Explain.
(B) My dear,dear sister!and this prayer I make.
knowing the nature never didbetrav the heart that loved her:
(a)Name the Poem And the poet.
(b)Who is the sister and why is she important for the poet?
(c)Bring the poet's attitude to nature in the lastteo lines.
(c) This is my son,mine own Telemachus.
To whom i leave the sceptre and the isle:-
(a)Name the poem and poet.
(b)Who is the speaker and why does he introduce Telemachus?
(c)Name the "Isle" and explain"Sceptre'.

part B
select any 1 of the Passage beneath and ans the ques. that Follows:
(A) Remember March:ides for march remember.
Did not great Julius bleed for justice sake?
Whar villian touch'd his body that did stab.
And not for justice.
(a) Who is the speaker?who is being addressed and in what circumstances?
(b)Bring out the significance of the "ides of march"'
(c)What light do these lins throw on the character of the speaker?
(B) This was the noblesat Roman of them all.
All the conspirators save only he
Did that they did in envy of great Caesar.
(a)Who is the speaker?Explain the situation.
(b)What light do these lines throw on the person spoken about?
(c)Do you agree with the speaker?Explain

part C
Write short notes on any 2 of the following:
(a)Silver Way
(b)The Priest:
(c)Domestic Harmony:

2.-(a)How does Donne establish the point that Death is arrogant and ineffective in the poem.
"Death be not proud"
(b)Discuss the theam of "The 2nd Coming".
3.- Why and how does Cassius conspire aganist Julius Caesar?
Bring out the role of the women charecters in the play Julius Caesar.

4.- Compare and contrast Dr.Pal and Margyya.
What is your opinion of the 2 women characters in The Financial Expert?

Write an essay in about 350 words on any 1 of the following"-
(a) Adult Education:
(b)Truth is Beauty:
(d)The Joy of Nature:
(e)The computer Revolution:

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