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University of Delhi 2011-5th Sem M.A English -i - eng0403 (i) - ancient greek and latin literature - Question Paper

Tuesday, 21 May 2013 03:20Web

7179    Your Roll No.

This question paper contains 2 printed pages.

M.A/IV Sem.



Maximum Marks: 70

Time: 3hours

(Write your Roll No. on the top immediately on receipt of this question paper.)

Answer Q No. 1 which is compulsory, and any 3 others from 2 to 8. Q No. 1 carries 25 (5 x 5) marks, and the others carry 15marks each. Q.No. I is in nine parts, five of which must be attempted.

Note : The maximum marks printed on the question paper are applicable for the students of the regular colleges (Cat. 'A ). These marks will, however, be scaled up proportionately in respect of student of NCWEB at the time ofposting of awards for compilation of result.

1. Answer in about 250 words anv five of the following:

(a)    Now since I have been subdued to obedience in this matter Treading on purple I will go into my house

(b)    "Future ages will wonder at us, as the present age wonders at us now."

(c)    "Sparrows beautiful and swift /conveyed you, with rapid wings aflutter, above

The dark earth, from heaven, through the mid-air.

(d)    Write a short note on Echo

(e)    Roman, remember by your strength to rule Earth's peoplefor your acts are to be these:

To pacify, to impose the rule of law.

To spare the conquered, battle down the proud

(f)    Write a short note on Marcetlus

(g)    * I have achieved a monument more lasting

than bronze, and loftier than the pyramids of kings [...] 1 shall not wholly die."

(h)     I cannot, citizens, stomach a Greek Rome

(i)    Write a short note on the Epic Simile

2.    Examine the tragic irony of Clytemnestra's triumphant accession to the throne of Argos after the Trojan War in Aeschylus' trilogy.

3.    "The Oresteia celebrates the restoration of social equilibrium through the justified, tragic 'necessity' of blood vengeance." Do you agree? Discuss.


4.    In the light of the title Metamorphoses, examine the nature and significance of the mutations that take place in the three tales from Ovid.

5.    Would you agree that despite the emphasis on heroic fighting in the concluding books, the Aeneid is essentially art anti-war epic poem? Give reasons for your answer

6.    "Horace's Satires and Odes together constitute a formative moment in the Augustan literary culture/' Discusj.

7.    "What can I do in Rome? I am a hopeless liar." How do these lines by Umbricius sum up the insights and the blind spots in his perception of Rome, and thus problematize his self-chosen exile from the city?

8.    Write an essay on the Literary Epic supporting your observations with suitable examples.

7179/(300)    i (2)


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