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University of Delhi 2011-2nd Sem M.A English - - - eng 0203 (i) liteature and gender - Question Paper

Tuesday, 21 May 2013 02:10Web

This question paper contains 4 printed pages.]

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7173    A

M.A./ II Sem ENGLISHPaper : Eng O203(i)


(Admission of 2009 onwards)

Time : 3 Hours    Maximum Marks : 70

(Write your Roll No. on the top immediately on receipt of this question paper.)

Answer Question No. 1 which is compulsory, and any 3 others from 2 to 8. Question No. 1 carries 25 (55) marks, and the others carry 15 marks each. Question No. 1 is in 9 parts, any 5 of which must be attempted.

1. Comment, in about 250 words, on any five of the following:

This question paper contains 4 printed pages.]

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7173    A

(i)    The symbolic yellow book in The Picture of Dorian Gray.

(ii)    ... The mother-women seemed to prevail that summer at Grand Isle. It was easy to know them...

(iii)    Audre Lorde's experience of teaming how to read and write, as recorded in Chapter 3 of her Bioinythography.

(iv)    Judith Butler, "binary sex and gender trouble.

(v)    Feminist interrogation of classical Greek mythology with reference to the following lines:

Yet for all your arrogance

and your glance

1 tell you this:

Such loss is no loss

...hell is no worse than your hell

Above the earth

(vi)    Mrinal's husband in The Wife's Letter.

(vii)    Inside me, however, a core of intolerance hardened against the hollowness of the ideas of progress and benevolence preached by my aunt and her companions. Rebellion began to feed upon my thoughts and fourjd no outlet."(Sunlight on a Broken Column)

(viii)    The sex-change in Orlando.

(ix)    There's always that point where The language flips

Into an unfamiliar taste;

Where words tumble over A cunning tripwire on the tongue;

Where the frame slips,

The reception of an image Not quite tuned, ghost-outlined,

That signals, in their midst,

An alien.

Critically analyze Freud's interpretations of Doras two dreams, and identify the core Freudian psychoanalytic findings regarding female sexuality that they represent.

Sybil Vane embodies Dorian Gray's passionate confusion about Art, Love, Sexuality, Morality and Truth. Discuss.

Although Edna Pontellier breaks off from her husband, she is unable to break off from her husbands life-style. Do you agree? Give reasons for your answer.

Audre Lordes acceptance of herself as a black lesbian subject complicates her understanding of the womens movement in the United States. Comment.

7173    ( 4 )

6.    In Sunlight on a Broken Column, Laila's feminist view of the will to feeedom incorporates Asad's humanism "that it is good to let one's personal grief become part of the general sorrow. Do you agree? Discuss with reference to the text.

7.    Vain trifles as they seem, clothes have, they say, more important offices than to merely keep us warm. They change our view of the world and the world's view of us." Discuss the significance of clothing and cross-dressing qs gender/sexual politics in Woolfs Orlando.

8.    Critically read any two texts pf your choice in this course through Judith Butler's theory of gender performativity.



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