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University of Delhi 2011-2nd Sem M.A Arabic - arbic - 201 - modern prose - Question Paper

Tuesday, 21 May 2013 10:45Web

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MA /II Sem.    A

ARABICPaper 201: Modern Prose (Admissions of 2009 and onwards)

Time : 3 Hours    Maximum Marks : 70

(Write your Roll No. on the top immediately on receipt of this question paper.)

Note : Unless otherwise required in a question, answers may be written either in English or in Arabic or in Hindi or in Urdu; but the same medium should be used throughout the paper.

1. Translate into English any two of the following with reference to context:    20

iJLb    jJ j j    laJ

1    3 ' -** a -

jA <j \ *j a :1a a     <<*jl 4_JJa_i I_*_S**

* m ,    ,

jl JOti d    j-*\s-w* ioL_j*jj

SpLJLJ o> iUwS?' <& j 'j* & $ j-& > J >

* * t * jjL> Li lr. jl jJUiiili)    Vp) I-aJT 'J


l:g Cj****"    -? jljljLj

Oi ii jj j < *_1    J-Aj Ujii.

i_r~b*    j! ~**U j-* W- UJ\J*

jl -L*j (Jj>r J    Ut- J I*j |t- : ! J

_*_~iytJl i_- ,_jij U,ajji    LilJs


4uiJ J~-t*-> jf ji    * J* l>f j *Sf g-j'

jA     *- Aj yj Cj-J tjr*

Ja_>- J-ifj a-JlJLM

4.JLal j LfrL_$" OvwJl 4_J    JLp- 1 j t._

4?pjL?0i 4jL*>- 3    Q Jj j - j

r4_*3t*Jl ojL5 U_* aJ jJ *

lil J J    jJJ aJl1

A3 j J_> -    t-iiv- (J-rr c j* j-Jl

*)} j-b p-J _dJU JL*_> l) Si 4iJLJl Oj .la_a.,~

ycJi    A.i.1? J J 'y 4 <S.JL.A I    LMkAJ

L*J\ .. 4j L>    s_->l_j>tstfl

Lit J 4j <ujU>P *-_ ~J**-;jI


c. <_5 jl3\ Ur y~~J-     OLif

* 6    L> ji -Xj>x_) Jl, . v_J _ g . 11

_ a-kj Li j d I * _ L uLi

JLp U; r 2J-    ULi'

_J=>J <J-/*'    OLLoIII l_A a y-?r j

0 L>J I t Jl* M 1 5_ipV wfiJ' JLJLj

!% j Ifl 3 1 ( glp1 takAA>* t J tlMfcnJ 9     0 j lj.. I*

Lvflj! J _(Jr;+fcjpJ\ *JbL-JLJl jL?x_j i_5 Jl_j' L*j    *V    \ :J * \ jh jjtt* >_ - &' *Lj

Lg~Jl?K-j . jSLo- jjl JsLiJ    o~*

CL>jS' -li    j d jL--vJ

* -i    _ <3*\_3r \ U tjb _>_*j jl_?--

L*jLiS[ e-LuULhl J L-UP - ~ - 1 Jj < L*__Ji L5i \j\-3!fc>- -.-dJ j\ $yi Lfjts" tJL\jj\ LJV-*J


2. Explain in Arabic any one of the following with reference to the context:    15

i)j 4JLA 4jjJUvwoJl <Cjy>- 2u5     jJ

i    4 1 O P 4 . < w ~>t_> -I2_I_A A a


j-'0 <J IOLiTj fl.i U

4_Jl aJLsJ j < 4j j>tS\ I LpL*_i .

*Ulj j-P    aJLL>- I JOL" _ L_jt_4_J

4?*_a3        \ a L*vL-J j~ -1 *


JflLe-aJl 3 o y- < f. \__>5n ; JI *j\ *fl *'* *j U

VI jt jr'b j! j-,\ J ,j-*J\ y

_ . ja M ~iji L<k5


J |*JLi ZjIJj>- 0-*:-H 5-- 4jLSv_J1 JJLIj 1_*1

ay> c~itS" LgJ XJt     o*Jlj

Jl jJfjLJLs! .p Vj <-*-5

aJ-P    pi _A <*!. cwL_ji

J dUj>-v_w>J w.1l-J}~ aL_;l _5 <-*<-2-<9

3 JW>' J* '- i

J    2OlS' {j&    J

o(jis    _*' ls~*"

J    Oj-SXve-Jl 0 jJL_$J

Jl L*J jl* V


<,5-* L-j'-il pj>    -Sm

L-lp Lii>s_> Ljp _p j

LSJ**'    _ s-J \zSs_1\ l*A& _S

i_1_) J_j _

' Lw*J I

,j{ J    J wsLjJt

tjj-f- "bM Lfcjj-*\    y pJ    f-bjiSfi

* 0 0 0 #

IjJUL*    C-J\j jl 4jL>* j\ \ ypuS* p. .$ ,'* O * J liL_>


J (H- cp-* j-*    J p* j)*

j o C-La~ J (t-6-* L_?r J jl j Ajl g ..>L p-5L->rJl    -g-?l *,.-3

1-UtJ jt    jL.s)\ j aL-XJ\


3. Write in Arabic summary of any one of the

following:    15


i    I ( )


ty-Ls*- j tJu->- ( )

w~*jULJ    (V')

4.    Write short notes on the contribution of any two of the following to modern Arabic prose :    10

j $ L.flJ I    1 I (y* __ f

5.    Rewrite any part of Q. No. 1 with full vowel points.    10

6834    9    100


a d.JLA, j *{3

i ja-Jt j y. JK_JfiJ I_


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