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University of Delhi 2011 Diploma Japanese One year advanced -ii essay and translation - Question Paper

Tuesday, 21 May 2013 12:05Web

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7971    A



(Essay and Translation)

Time : 3 hours    Maximum Marks : 100

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All the answers should be attempted in Question Paper itself.


Q.l Translate the following into English/Hindi (30)

A)    6ru

%kr$'J L1) I3- o TI' fl i 'b l % x. ~Jj IBT h <5 c F#.    t-'0*

&<d*px\    t xhjo >

& 1t f 11$:6 b Zt te V' ft tNX 1, tc V \    (8)

&&x%:Z>t\,'om\ zoyi-\ \m<Dm7km<Dffi< s<&}-ik

bq-60tUt 2&7J*icVwt)W=90 ( 4 )

c) \ummfrlttm'nmxit<oG&L* zcoicn#ttYi -1 \mg

tm 7P ft i \ tz.,    A <D -L' id it. fa MhtS'Z t tr fftx.T < ix fz O') ith

v)tftil'ZtVbZ>0 L/j*L,    Lii\ ft

Jj(zXl7 6 0 *A ar ftl) foifZ WMlZfctz 1irtllH. .J: o irtMfc < b 4N6Tfo60 (8)

D)    * #{Lrpi<il3H~6 I i

fbA * WIE L < lift? tt{j P> B ; ti-Z$}J] .t- bii' 6I#ffi <    (7)

D) A,    X 9    drtt. ic<

4' CO T! $ Ac \*' tz h -)&&?* ( 3 )

Q.2 Translate the following into Japanese ( 3 0)

A) I was watching television when a picture of a bulldozer crushing cabbagcs came on. It went on flattening a whole field of them one row- after another.

*    That sort of thing seems to happen every now and then, not just with cabbages, but with

oranges and other fruits and vegetables as well ( 8 )

B) My Husband is completely different from the days we got married. He

was pretty anti- establishment in those days. But now' he nets like a company watch dog. though 1 am not sure w'hat he actually thinks. (5)

C) The Professors present here today have different specialties-history. archeology, and ethnology-but each is conducting research related ancient history. It was with ihe hope, then that wfe might have you engage in a lively discussion on the question of how civilization began. (8)

D) Aren't Japanese houses practical? The same room serves as dining room in the morning, drawing room in the afternoon, bedroom at night, and sometimes as a guest room. It can change in any number of wavs.(6)

E) During Bon. every train is jam-packed with people returning to their home towns. The Tohoku district is particularly bad. (3)

3iSI/v'e'l 0 0 Oi'5) 1 2 0    (-4 0)

A) Al-iJ;*>

b)    4 y Ki



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