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University of Delhi 2010-3rd Year B.Com (Hon.) Marketing Management (HONS) ENTERPRISE RESOURCE PLANNING UNIVERSITY - Question Paper

Monday, 20 May 2013 07:50Web


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This question papei contains 3 printed page



j    (Admissions of 2004 and onwaids)


Time 2 hours    Maximum Marks 30

(Write your Roll No on the top immediately on receipt of this question paper) Attempt all questions All questions carry equal marks

J Answer any thiee of the following in not more than 60 words cach

a)    Role of database administiator m DBMS

b)    Differentiate between Primary Key & Foreign Key

c)    Advantages of using DBMS

d)    Mam categories of database users    

2 M/s XYZ 1 td maintains a database of its tjading transactions through thiec tables Pioduct. Business Partners, and Transaction, the details $ are given below


ProdCode    Product Code    Piimary Key

ProdName    Name of Pioduct

VA T_Rate    Rate of V A T

OB    Opening Stock (in units)

Business Partners

BP_Code    Business Partner's Code

BP_Name    Business Partners Name

Limit    Credit Limit


InvNo    invoice Number    (Primary Key)

Type    Type of Transaction    (PKPurchasc S=Sales)

Dated    Date of Transaction

ProdCode    Product Code    (Foreign Key)

BP Code    Business Partner's Code (Foreign Key)

Qty    Quantity (in units)

Amount    Total Amount paid or leccived

(a)    Find the list of Purchase transactions indicating the invoice number. Date Name of Product, quantity transacted, and total amount Paid during the Financial Year 2009-10

(b)    Retrieve the total quantity of Pioduct Code CHR2007" sold between 1/5/2009 and 31/7/2009 of the financial year 2009-10

(c)    Retrieve Maximum and Minimum Price at which cach product is sold during the financial year 2009-10

(d)    Retrieve the list of Products (Code, Name and Amount) whose (otal purchase value during first quarter of the financial year 2009-10 is less than Rs 5.00,000/-

M/s Pankaj Pvt Ltd is an existing trading organization, the details of Us

activities m accounts department are as follows

(a)    Its accounting transactions are documented using vouchers

(b)    Each voucher is assigned a unique number that begins with last two digits of year of transaction followed by serial number of five digits like "0900001" indicates first voucher of year 2009 while 0900020 implies twentieth voucher of Year 2009-

(c)    All the tiansactions are in the nature of cash or Bank

(d)    There aie two types of vouchors Receipt Voucher and Payment Voucher to document the accounting transactions The Receipt voucher is used for receiving cash or cheque and payment voucher is used for making payments

(e)    Each vouchcr is prepared by an employee and authorized by Ins Scction Officer

(f)    There is an exhaustive list of accounts with respect to which the transactions are documented

(g)    Each account is classified as belonging to the accounts type Expenditure, Income, Assets and Liabilities

(h)    To every voucher one or more support documents, which are described by their name or title, are also attached. There is no exhaustive list of such support documents

You are required to

(a)    Analyze and conceptualize the above reality by using ER Model that can be used for creating, database design for accounting, stating the assumpti ons

(b)    Show ER diagrammatically lor each indmdual entity and also foi the entire reality

(c)    Determine and show the final database design for accounting using Relational Data Model giving relations and the constraints


What is the dtffcrencc between Logical Data Independence and Physical Data Independence9 Which is easier to accomplish and Why9

Write Short Notes on any two of the following

a)    Data base designers

b)    Enforce Referential Integrity in MS-Access

c)    Transitive Dependency



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