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Shivaji University 2009-8th Sem B.E Computer Science (Computer Sci

Sunday, 19 May 2013 04:00Web

B.E. (Computer Sci. & Engg.)(Semester-VIII)Examination, 2009


Day and Date: Wednesday, 27-05-2009
Time: 10.00a.m. To 1.00 p.m. Total Marks: 100

Instructions: 1) ans 3 ques. from every part.
2) Figures to the right indicate full marks.


1. a) describe 3 various ranges for signal propagation. elaborate the effects of signal propagation?

b) discuss digital modulation technique ASK & FSK.

2 .a) With the help of block diagram discuss DSSS.

b) discuss access method DAMA-PRAMA

3. a) Draw system architecture of GSM and discuss.

b) discuss mobile terminating call.

4. a) discuss 802.11 physical layer

b) Draw and discuss architecture of 802.11 an infrastructure network.


5. a) Draw and explain a simple reference model for handover in ATM.

b) Name components of location management, their functions and outline. Why they are needed in case of wireless network?

6. a)With the help of entities and terms discuss IP packet delivery to and from the mobile node.

b) With the help of registration request and registration reply discuss how MN to register with the HA.

7. a) Draw and discuss packet host flow from a fixed host to a mobile host via foreign agent in I-TCP.

b) What is Tunneling? discuss IP in IP encapsulation.

8. a) discuss Consistency issue for Distributed file systems.

b) Draw and discuss component and interface of WAP architecture.

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