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Karnataka State Open University (KSOU) 2010 M.Com Commerce Business Policy and Environment - Question Paper

Friday, 17 May 2013 01:55Web

Illllllllllllll llll    MCO (P) 92

M.Com. (Previous) Examination, June 2010


COMMERCE Paper - II : Business Policy and Environment

Time : 3 Hours    Max. Marks : 90


Answer any three questions. Each question carries 15 marks :    (3x15=45)

1.    Discuss the internal and external factors affecting business.

2.    Discuss the relevance of MRTP Act in todays business environment.

3.    What is social responsibility of business ? Explain the arguments for and against social responsibility of business.

4.    What is business policy ? Explain the essentials of business policy.

5.    State the elements of economic environment and explain their influence on business.


Answer any three questions. Each question carries 10 marks :    (3x10=30)

6.    Explain the factors influencing the process of setting business objectives.

7.    Explain the principles, advantages and limitations of planning.

8.    Define SWOT analysis. Explain its role in strategy formulation.

9.    Explain the responsibility of Government towards business.

10.    Explain the elements of personnel policy of an organisation.


Answer any three sub-questions. Each sub-question carries 5 marks :    (3x5=15)

11.    a) Doctrine of Trusteeship.

b)    Strategic Management.

c)    Cultural environment.

d)    Economic liberalization.

e)    Marketing policy.


MCO (P) 92



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