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Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education 2012-2nd Sem Diploma Computer Engineering for Computer EngineeringSubject PIC (12027) - Question Paper

Sunday, 05 May 2013 07:50Web

MSBTE Summer 2012 exam.
Programming in C PIC(12027)
Computer Engineering - SecondSemester
3 Hours / 100 marks


1.    Attempt any TEN of the following:    20

a)    What is meant by lifetime and scope of variable?

b)    What is keywords? List any four keywords used in C.

c)    Define the term pointer. How to declare the pointer?

d)    What is an array? How to declare and initialise ont dimensional array?

e)    List bitwise operator used in C.

f)    Enlist the operation that can be and cannot be performed on pointer.

g)    What is function? What is need of function?

h)    Write syntax and use of if - else statement. \

i)    Write use and syntax of

(i)    Strlen( )

(ii)    Strcpy( )

j) Write use and syntax of switch - case statement, k) What is meant by formatted input and output.

1) What is storage class? Enlist storage classes available in C.



12027    [2]

2.    Attempt any FOUR of the following:    16

a)    Write difference between while and do-while loop.

b)    What is recursion? Give example of it.

c)    Write C program to decide whether entered year is leap year or not.

d)    What are different datatypes used in C?

e)    Write use of break statement. Give example of it.

f)    Differentiate between call by value and call by reference method.

3.    Attempt any FOUR of the following:    16

a)    Write program in C to calculate factorial of a number.

b)    Enlist relational operators used in C also write C program that makes used of relational operation.

c)    Explain array of pointer with example.

d)    Write program in C for addition of two 3x3 matrices.

e)    Write C program to print the string in reverse order.

f)    What is two dimensional array? How is it declared and initialised? Give example of it.

4. Attempt any FOUR of the following:


12027    [3]


a)    Write about operator precedence in C.

b)    Give meaning of following statement with reference to pointer, char * p

int * q

c)    Write syntax and use of Strcat( ) , strcmp( )

d)    Write program using pointers to read in an array of integers and print its elements in reverse order.

e)    Write program to print following o/p using for loop.


2 2

3    3 3

4    4 4 4

5    5 5 5 5

f)    Write program to sort one dimensional array.

5. Attempt any FOUR of the following.    16

a) Write C assignment statements to evaluate the following equation.



(iv) Energy = mass



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b)    Write C program that makes use of continue statement.

c)    Describe with example syntax'of for loop.

d)    With example explain array of structure.

e)    Declare a structure Book having data members title, author and price. Accept this data for one book and display the accepted data.


f)    Write C program to determine the largest number among three number.


6. Attempt any FOUR of the following:

a)    Write a menu driven program for following option -

(i)    To find entered number is even or odd

(ii)    To display sum of digits of input number.

b)    List different categories of function. Give example of arguments with return value.

c)    List advantages of pointer.

d)    What is the significance of * and & operator. Give example how to use it.

e)    What is structure? How to declare and initialise structure?

f)    What is meant by increment and decrement operator?


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You are here: PAPER Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education 2012-2nd Sem Diploma Computer Engineering for Computer EngineeringSubject PIC (12027) - Question Paper