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Andhra University 2009 Other Bachelor's Degree Cell Biology & Genetics - Question Paper

Saturday, 04 May 2013 07:55Web

B.Sc., Degree Biotechnology first year theory exams
Paper—1 : Cell Biology & Genetics

Time: three Hours Max. Marks: 100

SECTION-A (4x15=60 marks)

ans ALL questions, Choosing 1 ques. from every unit


1. (a) Write an essay on the eukaryotic cell cycle and discuss the various stages of


(b) define the ultra structure of eukaryotic cell.


2. (a) explain the Mendel's laws of inheritance and discuss the factors that contribute to
The success of Mendel's experiments.


(b) discuss the terms – linkage, recombination and crossing over, define the
Exceptions to the Mendelian principle of independent assortment.


3. (a) provide an account of the model proposed by Watson and Crick for the structure of

(b) define the experiments which conclusively established DNA as the genetic


4. (a) What is student's t-test and t-distribution? define the properties and application Of t-distribution in statistical testing.

(b) define the various nucleic acid protein data bases. How can these be used forData mining for various purposes

part –B (5x4=20 marks)

ans any 5 of the subsequent ques.

5. define chromosome and chromatin. Do chromosomes always have the identical
Appearance during a cells life?

6. describe meiosis and discuss its significance.

7. Do segregation and independent assortment proceed during mitosis, meiosis or both?

8. What is linkage mapping?

9. elaborate the various forms of DNA?

10. How thymine dimmers are formed in DMNA and how they are repaired?

11. Write a note on analysis of variance.

12. What do you understand by bioinformatics ands data bases?

SECTION-C (10x2=20)

ans ALL ques.

13. Differentiate ranging from plant and animal cells?

14. What is interphase?

15. discuss the difference ranging from gene and allele.

16. What is X-linked inheritance?

17. Which radio active isotopes were used by Hershey and chase i8n their experiments
For labeling T2 bacteriophage? provide reasons.

18. discuss the semi conservative model of DNA replication.

19. What is binomial distribution?

20. discuss the term BLAST.

21. What is the genetic material of Tobacco Mosaic Viru
22. What is the function of topoisomerases?

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