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Andhra University 2005 M.B.A International Finance - Question Paper

Friday, 03 May 2013 01:30Web

Test Papers of Andhra University SDE MBA (DM) - AMDM - 311 - International Finance - 2005
Third Year

Time : 3 hours

Maximum : 75 marks

part - A (5 x three = 15)

ans 5 ques..

The ans shall not exceed one page every.

1. ans any 5 of the subsequent in brief.

a) Spot market
b) Capital convertability
c) Political risk
d) Trade surplus
e) Forex market
f) LOC
g) Special drawing rights
h) Inventory management
i) Transfer pricing
j) International Cash Flows

part - B (5 x 12 = 60)

ans 5 ques.

The ans shall not exceed five pages every
2. a) define the factors affecting the environment of International Financial Management.


b) discuss the features of International Finance.

3. a) elaborate the components of balance of payment? discuss its impact on forexreserves.


b) define the role of International Financial Institutions in International Finance.

4. a) Differentiate forward contracts from future contracts.


b) What is option? discuss different kinds of choices.

5. a) discuss the channels of International flow of funds.


b) discuss how the currency crisis can be managed.

6. a) explain the working capital techniques followed by M.N.C.


b) discuss the factors influencing the capital structure of multinational firms.

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