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Andhra University 2005-2nd Year B.Tech Computer Science and Engineering Third Semester - DESIGN AND ANALYSIS OF ALGORITHMS - Question Paper

Wednesday, 01 May 2013 03:35Web


B. Tech (CSE) Degree exam

Third Year - 2nd Semester


Time: three hrs
Max Marks: 70

First ques. is Compulsory

ans any 4 from the remaining ques.

All ques. carry equal marks

ans all parts of any ques. at 1 place

1. a) What is the time complexity of an algorithm
b) What is the smallest and largest numbers of digits the product of 2 decimal ndigit numbers can have?
c) provide an example of an AVL tree.
d) describe the class P
e) State Travelling Salesman issue
f) What is the transitive closure of a digraph?
g) What is a convex hull?

2. a) How do we judge the efficiency of an algorithm? discuss the terms: avg. and worst case complexities of an algorithm

b) Design a recursive algorithm for computing 2n using the formula 2n = 2n-1 + 2n-1. What is it’s computing time?

3. a) define the quick sort algorithm using the divide-and-conquer strategy.

b) Apply quick sort to sort the list E, X, A, M, P, L, E in alphabetic order. Draw the tree of the recursive calls made.

4. a) define the Breadth 1st Search algorithm of a provided graph and discuss with an example.

b) Apply the DFS-based algorithm to solve the topological sorting issue for the subsequent digraph.

5. a) Write an algorithm for Heap Sort algorithm and illustrate it with an example.

b) Write an algorithm for finding the largest key in a B-tree.

6. a) define the Floyd’s algorithm for the all pairs shortest paths issue

b) Design a ?(n2) algorithm for finding an optimal binary search tree

7. a) define the Kruskal's algorithm for finding the minimum spanning of a provided graph

b) Construct a Huffman code for the subsequent data:

Character A B C D -
Probability 0.4 0.1 0.2 0.15 0.15

8. a) What is backtracking? discuss it using the n-queens issue.

b) What is NP- completeness? discuss

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