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Andhra University 2005-1st Year B.Tech Computer Science and Engineering Forth Semester - ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE - Question Paper

Wednesday, 01 May 2013 03:05Web


B. Tech (CSE) Degree exam

Forth Year - 1st Semester


Time: three hrs
Max Marks: 70

First ques. is Compulsory

ans any 4 from the remaining ques.

All ques. carry equal marks

ans all parts of any ques. at 1 place

1. discuss the subsequent (14)
(a) Examples of decomposable and non-decomposable issues
(b) Means-End Analysis for issue solving.
(c) Non monotonic reasoning
(d) Hierarchical planning.
(e) Expert System shells.
(f) Advantages of depth-first search
(g) Admissibility of a heuristic function

2. (a) What is Artificial Intelligence. discuss how an AI system is various from a conventional computing System. (7)
(b) Distinguish ranging from data, info and knowledge. current an overview of knowledge representation methods. (7)

3. (a) elaborate the various steps to solve an AI issue. discuss. (5)
(b) What is a production system? discuss with an example. (4)
(c) explain the Water Jug issue as state space search. (5)

4. (a) With a suitable examples illustrate how do we represent simple facts in logic? (6)
(b) presume the facts
Steve only likes easy courses
Science courses are hard.
All courses in the arts Department are easy.
TL 301 is an arts department course.
Use resolution to ans the ques. which course would Steve like? (8)

5. a) What is a partitioned semantic net? Construct a partitioned semantic net for the subsequent statements?
(i) The dog bit the mail carrier.
(ii) Every dog has bitten every mail cairier (7)
(b) define the constructs of Frame & Scripts.

6. (a) elaborate the requirements for a good control strategy?
(b) Illustrate the sterpesh-ascent hill climbing technique in detail. (5)
(c) Apply constraint satisfaction algorithm to a Crypt arithmetic issue. (4)

7. (a) What is the difference ranging from natural language understanding and generation explain?
(b) Derive the parse tree for the subsequent sentence by making use of an improper grammar.
Rama killed the demon. (7)

8. (a) With a block diagram. discuss a simple model of an expert System architecture. (5)
(b) discuss the concept of case based reasoning. (4)
(c) Differentiate Forward and Backward reasoning techniques. (5)

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