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Andhra University 2005-1st Year B.Tech Computer Science and Engineering Forth Semester - EMBEDDED SYSTEMS (ELECTIVE-I) - Question Paper

Wednesday, 01 May 2013 02:45Web


B. Tech (CSE) Degree exam

Forth Year - 1st Semester


Time: three hrs
Max Marks: 70

First ques. is Compulsory

ans any 4 from the remaining ques.

All ques. carry equal marks

ans all parts of any ques. at 1 place

1. a) elaborate fundamental requirements and perversities of Embedded Systems?
b) elaborate the factors that contribute to the best Interrupt latency?
c) elaborate the goals of testing and debugging process on a host machine
d) provide example code for 1 reentrant function and 1 non-reentrant function
e) What is the merit of using void * in implementing message queue?
f) Write the major difference ranging from Emulator and Simulator
g) What do you understand by Test Scaffold Code?

2. a) discuss Atomic Operations. provide any 1 atomic instruction for any processor known to you?
b) What is DMA? provide it’s working in brief.
c) discuss any 2 schemes for inter task communication.
d) What is watchdog timer in a single board computer? Explan.

3. a) Identify the suitability of an RTOS with respect to any issue on hand with regard to scalability
b) What is data sharing issue in multi tasking environment? discuss.

4. a) discuss (i) Round Robin architecture. ii) Preemptive scheduling?
b) What is reentrancy? provide the necessary conditions to make a function reentrant.

5. a) Bring out the subtle differences ranging from real time operating systems and typical (non real time) operating system?
b) discuss the architecture of function queue scheduling, write a C program for implementing the identical.

6. elaborate the constituents of the Embedded software that ate needed to make the target CPU (single board computer) to run, name them and discuss every of them briefly?

7. discuss the subsequent in brief (i) ROM Emulator (ii) In-Circuit-Emulator (iii) Flash memory.

8. Take up a issue of elevator for 4 floors, identify the number of tasks required, their priorities and their functions in the process of designing a an application software in Real Time.

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