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Andhra University 2005 B.E Electronics & Tele-Communication Engineering Data Structures - Question Paper

Wednesday, 01 May 2013 06:50Web

QuestionNo:1 is compulsory and ans any other 4 ques.
All ques. carry equal marks

a)write short notes on:
a)parameter passing techniques
c)Applications of stacks and queues
d)binary tree representaion
e)search techniques

a)write a recursive function in "c" which prints the digits of a provided input number n?
b)Give the sparse matrix representation using arrays. Write code for transposin such a matrix

a)Write program for valuation post fix expression
b)write program for converting an infix expression to postfix expression

a)Give the datat structure of a queue using linked lists.Write all operations
b)Give the data structure of a stack using linked lists.Write all operations

a)write code for Fibonacci search
b)write code for Dijkstra's shortest path method

a)Define strongly connected component . write algorith/program to obtain strongly connected components of a graph
b)write algorithm.program for constructing a binary tree if reorder and in order traversals of the tree is provided

a)Explain the graph traversal techniques
b) An edge in a connected graph is called a bridge, if its removal disconnects the graph. provide the algorith for finding all bridges in a graph.

a)write an algorithm to convert a general tree into binary tree
b)write a routine to list out nodes of a binary tree in level-order. List root, then nodes at depth1, followed by nodes at depth2 and so on

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