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Veer Narmad South Gujarat University 2010-3rd Year Bachelor of Rabindra Sangeet (Hons) RR-1023 Rural Engineering

Monday, 29 April 2013 04:45Web

RR-1023 Third Year B. R. S. Examination March / April - 2010 Rural Engineering & Energy

Time : 3 Hours] 00

[Total Marks : 70

""'N Seat No.:

6silq<3i Puunkiufl SnwiA u* qsq d-onql. Fillup strictly the details of signs on your answer book.

Name of the Examination :

T.Y. B.R.S.

Name of the Subject:


-Subject Code No.





-Section No. (1,2,.....): NIL

(0 WSll &U$dl    H&dl H6dH %<Sl %|R d.

Student's Signature

(3) WUH cHL ?Hl[ct M M M H51 HR H&Hi WIH C-tHl.

*1 HcM TOldl U, M.'i 6RI *UC-tdi *iLwt [=Ul HlHl. 1Y

\ *il&l Hpfrddl    (HPlldl H&4H HLHl, *il&l Hpfrd aueiq.ldl 1Y

IWld =>Hd srfVMl [=Ul fad :>HlHl.

3 (*0        d'j, %LH*M.cCl. d

(H)    lH*Wl*fl. Udl irfstHdl U3. lcL Rll ?Hd ddl HcIR'SHL 6

aiail S$L.

X Oh) *?k ShM K-id.L *UHdHl Hl& HdLcft    ?Hd atel*

to to fan smr =>hihI.

(h) Held (M M. ?HLl H=ld (Mdl $lHU*iL dlL    6

H (*l) 3llH4lHi Hld HlH&HHl <Wildl HlSttllHK    ?HLHl.

(<h)    Ciqidl    *io|. ?HLHl.    6

e (*l) (M bdi*t$L [H<UVIKI (3HLHI    C

(H) 5HRHH % ? ddl MR *ll[tal6 %LH*M.cCl.    6

(*l) UHilHl HLdl (M-ft Hl& 6i'iLc(l fad%lGU =>Hd HlOl     %lGU fad dtH <HHl.

(<h) hi dMM     ? d C-lHdl =lHd **lKHl LHLdl    6

<Hl<Hdl WWl.

RR-1023]    2    [ 500 ]


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