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Veer Narmad South Gujarat University 2010-1st Year Bachelor of Physical Education (B.P.Ed ) Rr-0905 English : - 5 B.P.E - Question Paper

Monday, 29 April 2013 12:15Web

RR-0905 First Year B. P. E. Examination March / April - 2010 English : Paper - V

Time : 3 Hours]    [Total Marks : 70

Instructions :


(2)    Figures at the right indicate marks.

(3)    This question paper contains six questions.

1    Answer briefly any five of the following :    10

(i)    Why was the writer unable to say what the girl looked like? What did he like about her?

(ii)    What did the author tell the girl about her face? What was her reaction?

(iii)    How did Eurydice die?

(iv)    How did Orpheus lose Eurydice again?

(v)    How did Tom blackmail his brother into giving him money?

(vi)    What did Tom do for twenty years?

(vii)    How did Dell save her money? Why did she want to save her money?

(viii)Why    was Della unhappy on Christmas eve?

2    Write essays on any two in about ten sentences from 20

the following :

(i)    Trees - our best friends

(ii)    T.V. serial I like most

(iii)    My favourite national hero

(iv)    Internet

(v)    Hostel life.

3 Draft an application for the post of a physical instructor 10 in a school.


3    Write a letter to your friend inviting him to visit your place in vacation.

4    (a) Give nouns : (any five)    5

Write, lead, examine, inform, agree, instruct, apply

(b)    Use Prefix : (any five)    5 Example : use-misuse.

polite, discipline, conduct, close, fool, fix, honest

(c)    Use suffix : (any five)    5 Example : reserve-reservation.

free, use, cheer, like, poison, nation, physic.

5    Make sentences using following words : (any five)    5 luck, read, comfort, treat, play, go, hard.

6    Fill in the blanks with appropriate words given in    10 the bracket :

(i)    She is_M.A. in English, (a, an, the)

(ii)    I am very proud _ you. (on, of, for)

(iii)    He is_university player, (a, an, the)

(iv)    Turn back to see what is _ you.

(near, under, behind)

(v)    _Kusum like Mangoes? Yes, she _.

(do, does, is, are)

(vi)    Is the moon_the sky? (in, on, behind, over)

(vii)    He is_good athlet. (a, an, the)

(viii)I    will be back in _ hour, (a, an, the)

(ix)    _Geeta has been translated into many languages.

(a, an, the)

(x)    Is there_sugar in the bowl? (any, some)

RR-0905]    2    [ 100 ]


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