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Veer Narmad South Gujarat University 2010-1st Year M.B.B.S Physiology ( - 1) . - Question Paper

Monday, 29 April 2013 04:40Web

RO-1543 First Year M.B.B.S. Examination June - 2010 Physiology : Paper - I

[Total Marks : 50

Time : Hours]



Seat No.:

M    CnsLLnlcj.L{l [qoicu    u? snqw <h>h41.

Fillup strictly the details of signs on your answer book.

Name of the Examination :

F. Y. M.B.B.S.

Name of the Subject:

Physiology : Paper - 1

Student's Signature

-Subject Code No.





-Section No. (1,2,.....): Nil

Write short notes on : (any two)


(1)    Dead space

(2)    Acclimatization at high altitude

(3)    Glomerular filtration rate.

2 (a) Explain in two or three sentences :    10

(1)    Hypoprotenemia leads to edema

(2)    Heart muscle can not be tetanised

(3)    Apoptosis has physiologically significant role

(4)    Severe bought of cough may lead to syncope

(5)    Vagotomy is combined with pyloroplasty.

(b) Briefly :    5

(1)    Write Karl land-Steiner's law

(2)    Renal blood flow

(3)    Types of T cells

(4)    Any two determinants of blood pressure

(5)    Hematocrit value in microcytic anemic.


3    Describe the movements of small intestine.    10

4    Write short notes on : (any three)    15

(1)    Venous return

(2)    Fibrinolytic system

(3)    Waves of normal ECG

(4)    Hazards of mismatched blood transfusion.

RO-1543]    2    [ 300 ]


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