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Veer Narmad South Gujarat University 2010-3rd Year L.LB General Equity, Trust & F.R LL.B.( sem.6 ) . - Question Paper

Sunday, 28 April 2013 09:15Web

Third Year LL. B. (Sem. VI) Examination

April/May - 2010

Equity, Trust & F.R.


[Total Marks : 100




M    CnsLLnlcj.L{l [qoicu    u? snqw <h>h41.

Seat No.:

Fillup strictly the details of signs on your answer book.

Name of the Examination :

T. Y. LL. B. (Sem. 6)

Name of the Subject:

Equity, Trust & F.R.

Student's Signature

-Subject Code No.





-Section No. (1,2,.....): Nil

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(3) (3tRKI &HldHl *t1ldl OHfeld M ail.

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*1 aHLHdl [Wldl MHUdl lUll&d (Rule of law)Hi



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Instructions : (1) Do not change the question number.

(2)    Cite important decided cases in support of answers.

(3)    Figures to the right indicate marks.

1 "Principles of Equity tampers the rule of law"-Discuss. 13


1    Define equity. State the purpose and effects of Judicature 13 Acts, 1873 and 1875.

2    Explain with illustrations any two of the following    12 maxims :

(i)    Equity looks the intention,not the form

(ii)    He who seeks equity, must come with clean hands

(iv)    Equity acts in personam.

3    Define trust. For what purpose a trust can be created ? 13 How a trust can be formed ?


3    Define trust. How trust differs from mortagage and    13 power of appointment?

4    Write short notes on any two :    12

(i)    Revocation of Trust.

(ii)    Duties of trustee under the Indian Trust Act

(iii)    Public and Private Trust.

5    State the powers and rights of a trustee under the    13 Indian Trust Act


5    Describe the disabilities of a trustee under the Indian 13 Trust Act.

6    Write notes (any two)    12

(i)    Liabilities of a trustee under the Indian Trust Act.

(ii)    Rights of a beneficiary under the Indian Trust Act.

(iii)    Illusory trust.

7    Describe the powers and functions of a charity    13 commissioner under Bombay Public Trust Act.


7    Discuss the specific provisions of Bombay Public    13 Trust Act for religious and charitable trust vested in state government.

8    Write notes (any two)    12

(i)    Provisions of Bombay Public Trust Act regarding registration of Public Trust.

(ii)    Qualifications of a charity comissioner.

(iii)    Public Trust Administrative Fund.

RE-1951]    3    [ 700 ]


gae-fl. <*illl *UUl. SHI d*U Hia M %1IH ? HI -ild **0. *13 %IMH ?


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