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Veer Narmad South Gujarat University 2011-2nd Year B.Sc Computer Science SB-0712 : - 3 - Question Paper

Saturday, 27 April 2013 07:50Web


Second Year B. Sc. Examination March / April - 2011 Computer Science : Paper - III (Data Structure Using C++)

Time : Hours]

[Total Marks : 70

Instructions :


Seat No.:

M    Rpicu    <h>h41.

Fillup strictly the details of signs on your answer book.

Name of the Examination :

S. Y. B. Sc.

Name of the Subject:

Computer Science : Paper - 3

-Subject Code No.:





-Section No. (1,2,.....): Nil

(2)    All questions carry equal marks.

Student's Signature

(3)    Figures in the right indicate full marks.

1 Answer in brief :    14

(i)    What is formal parameter and actual parameter ?

(ii)    Write use of and operator.

(ii) What is inline function ?

(iv)    Define stack.

(v)    Define the term encapsulation.

(vi)    Define function overloading.

(vii)    Define path and leaf.

2 (a) Explain the concept of OOP and give benefits of OOP. 14

(b) Which types of constructors are used in C++ ?

Discuss with example.


2 (a) Write note on templates.    14

(b) Discuss the priority queue with example.

3 (a) What do you mean by exception ? How will you use 14 exception ? Give proper example of it.

(b) Write a program to overload unary operator ++,


3 (a) Define friend function. Write a program which will 14 use friend function.

(b) Write a program to overload new and delete operator.

(a)    Write an algorithm to arrange elements of an array 14 using insertion sort.

(b)    Write an algorithm to search an item from list using linear search.


(a)    Define the file. What are the differences between    14 opening a file with open ( ) and constructor function.

(b)    Explain how data file can be opened and closed in C++ with example ?

5 Attempt any two :    14

(a)    Write an algorithm to convert postfix expression into infix expression.

(b)    Explain binary tree. Discuss all possible operation on it.

(c)    Write a program to create a stack linked list and display the stack list.

(d)    Write a program to perform insert and display operations in doubly link list.

SB-0712]    2    [ 500 ]


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