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Veer Narmad South Gujarat University 2011-4th Year B.H.M.S SB-1130 Practice of medicine & Therapeutics : - 3 - Question Paper

Saturday, 27 April 2013 02:25Web

Fourth Year B.H.M.S. Examination

March / April - 2011

Practice of Medicine & Therapeutics : Paper - III


Time : Hours] Instruction :

6silq<3i Puunkiufl [qaim SuwiA u* qsq Fillup strictly the details of signs on your answer book.

[Total Marks : 100

N Seat No.:

Name of the Examination :

Fourth Year B.H.M.S.

Name of the Subject:

Practice of Medicine & Therapeutics : Paper - III

Student's Signature

-Subject Code No.:





-Section No. (1,2......): 1&2


Describe the indication of any three in rhinitis


(a)    Arum triphyllum

(b)    Dulcamara

(c)    Aconite

(d)    Hepar sulph

2 Describe any three for gastritis.    15

(a)    Nux Vomica

(b)    Carbo Veg..

(c)    Pubafilla

(d)    Phosphorus

3 Describe any four of the following :    20

(a)    Digitalis in Heart Disease

(b)    Ferrum-net in Anemia

(c)    Phosphoric acid in diabetes mellitus

(d)    Merc-cor in Dysentery

(e)    Mezerium in skin infection

1    Give indications for any three :    15

(a)    Mania - Veratrum alb

(b)    Rheumatic Complaints - Actea spicta

(c)    Urinary symptoms - Apris mel.

(d)    Heart Complaints - Cactus

(e)    Newe symptoms - Zinc-met

2    Give indications for any three :    15

(a)    Backache - Aesculus

(b)    Depression - Aurum met.

(c)    Urticaria - Urtica Urens

(d)    Coma - Opium

(e)    Osthalania neoratrum - Argentum nitricum

3    Give Indications for any four :    20

(a)    Calcarea carb - Bone symptoms

(b)    Benzoic acid - Gout

(c)    Agrus castus - Male Symptoms

(d)    Dulcamara - Warts

(e)    Gloroire - Hypertension

(f)    Bnfo rana - Convulsions

SB-1130]    2    [600 ]


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