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Veer Narmad South Gujarat University 2011-4th Year B.H.M.S SG-1130-S Practice of medicine and therapeutic - - 3 - Question Paper

Saturday, 27 April 2013 12:30Web

Fourth Year B. H. M. S. Examination

May/June - 2011

Practice of Medicine & Therapeutic - III


Time : Hours]

Instruction :

[Total Marks

Seat No.:

M    CnsLLnlcj.L{l [qoicu    u? snqw <h>h41.

Fillup strictly the details of signs on your answer book.

Name of the Examination :

Fourth Year B. H. M. S.

Name of the Subject:

Practice of Medicine & Therapeutic - 3

-Subject Code No.:





-Section No. (1,2,.....): 1&2


Student's Signature

1    Describe the indications of any three of the following for 15 BRONCHITIS :

(a)    Kali bichromicum

(b)    Phosphorus

(c)    Nat-sulph

(d)    Bryonia.

2    Describe the indications of any three of the following for 15 DIARRHOEA :

(a)    Aloe Socotrina

(b)    Coroton tiglium

(c)    Arsenic alb.

(d)    Cinchona off.

3    Give indications of : (any four)    20

(a)    Eupatorium Perf. for Fever

(b)    Borax for Mouth infections

(c)    Amyl nitrate for Angina pectoris

(d)    Uranium nitrate for Diabetes Mellitus

(e)    Cinchona off for Anemia.

4    Write indications of : (any three)    15

(a)    Noctural enuresis - Sepia

(b)    Warts - Causticum

(c)    Heart - Adonis V.

(d)    Helminthic infestation - Cina.

5    Write indications of : (any three)    15

(a)    Rheumatism - Ranunculus bulbosus

(b)    Convulsions - Cicuta virosa

(c)    Marasmus - Abrotanum

(d)    Neuralgia - Mag-phos.

6    Give indications for : (any four)    20

(a)    Lyssin - Phobia

(b)    Colocynth - Sciatica

(c)    Gelsemium - Paralysis

(d)    Mezerium - Eczema

(e)    Arnica - Gout.

SG-1130-S]    2    [ 200 ]


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