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Veer Narmad South Gujarat University 2011-4th Year B.H.M.S SG-1131-S Homoeopathic materia medica - - 1 - Question Paper

Saturday, 27 April 2013 12:25Web

Fourth Year B. H. M. S. Examination

May/June - 2011

Homoeopathic Materia Medica : Paper - I


[Total Marks : 100

Time : 3 Hours]

Instructions :


Seat No.:

M    CnsLLnlcj.L{l [qoicu    u? snqw <h>h41.

Fillup strictly the details of signs on your answer book.

Name of the Examination :

Fourth Year B. H. M. S.

Name of the Subject:

Homoeopathic Materia Medica : Paper - I

Student's Signature

-Subject Code No.





-Section No. (1,2,.....): 1&2

(2) Number on right indicates marks.


1 Describe toxicology as a rational source of Materia Medica and 15 discuss its scope and limitation.

2 Justify:    15

(a)    Cina is a good remedy for Worm infestation.

(b)    Mental calmness contraindicates Aconite.


2 Describe biochemeic indications of Calc fluor.    15

3 Give to the point answer of following : (any four)    20

(i)    Give rectal cmplaints of Aloe soc.

(ii)    Describe fever complaints of Arnica

(iii)    Give causatives of

(a)    Nux. Vom.

(b)    Calc. Phos.

(iv)    Describe tongue of

(a)    Antim crud

(b)    Rhus tox

(c)    Apis

(d)    Antim tart

(e)    Bryonia.

(v)    Spot the remedy :

(a)    Vertigo : When quickly turning head, especially to left.

(b)    Skin is delicate, sensitive to cold, liable to eruptions, especially urticaria, everytime patient takes cold or is long exposed to cold.

(c)    Herpetic eruption on end of the nose.

(d)    Red pimples or tubercles on forehead and cheeks, as in Brandy drinkers.

(e)    Milk runs out in nursing women.


1    Describe doctrine of signature/mind/respiratory and female 15 symptoms of Sepia.

2    Compare and contrast Ignatia and Platina in Mind and Female. 15


2    Give indication of    15

(i)    Pneumonia of Phosphorus

(ii)    Asthma of Drosera

(iii)    Ph aryn gitis of Kalimur.

3    Give characteristic symptoms of: (any four)    20

(i)    Phytolacca as a glandular remedy

(ii)    Conium Mac : CNS

(iii)    Opium as painless remedy

(iv)    Kali Phos as a nerve tonic.

(v)    Veratrum Album for GIT.

SG-1131-S]    2    [200]


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