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Veer Narmad South Gujarat University 2010-4th Year B.H.M.S RR-1279 Practice of medicine : - 3 - Question Paper

Friday, 26 April 2013 09:05Web


Fourth Year B. H. M. S. Examination March / April - 2010 Practice of Medicine : Paper - III

Time : 3 Hours]    [Total Marks : 100

Instruction :

Seat No.:

M    CnsLLnlcj.L{l [qoicu    u? snqw <h>h41.

Fillup strictly the details of signs on your answer book.

Name of the Examination :

Fourth Year B. H. M. S.

Student's Signature

Name of the Subject:

Practice of Medicine - 3

-Subject Code No.:





-Section No. (1,2,.....):



1    Describe the indications of any three of the following : 15 In Bronchial Asthma

(i)    Arsenicum Album

(ii)    IPECAC

(iii)    Nux Vomica

(iv)    Antimonium Tartaricum

(v)    Carbo Vegetabilis

2    Describe the indications of any three of the following 15 in Hepatitis.

(i)    Chelidonium Majus

(ii)    Ly copodium

(iii)    Carduus Marana

(iv)    B Aronia

(v)    Mercurius Soluberems

3 Describe any four of the following :    20

(i)    Baptitia in fever

(ii)    Ipecac in vomiting

(iii)    Mezerum in Skin

(iv)    Aethusa in G.I.T. disorder

(v)    Digitalis in Heart disorder

(vi)    Allium Cep a in Rhinitis


1    Describe the indications of any three of the following 15 in cerebral apoplexy.

(i)    Lachesis

(ii)    Hellebopus Niger

(iii)    Arnica

(iv)    Opium

(v)    Crotalus Horridus

2    Describe the indications of any three of the following 15 in valvular affections of heart.

(i)    Syphilinum

(ii)    Naja

(iii)    Kali Carb

(iv)    Aurum Met

(v)    Bryonia

3    Describe the indications of any four of the following : 20

(i)    Staphysagria in Cystitis

(ii)    Baryta Carb in Child disorder.

(iii)    Lycopodium in psoriasis

(iv)    Sepia in psychological disorder

(v)    Rhus Tox in joint affection

(vi)    Nat surgh in renal disorders.

RR-1279]    2    [ 400 ]


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