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Veer Narmad South Gujarat University 2011-2nd Year B.Com SB-0435 Principles of business management ( Honours ) - Question Paper

Friday, 26 April 2013 02:05Web


Second Year B. Com. (Honours) Examination March / April - 2011 Principles of Business Management

Time : 3 Hours]    [Total Marks : 70

Instructions :


(2)    All questions are compulsory.

(3)    Figures to the right indicate marks.

1    Answer in brief :    10

(1)    Enlist the various managerial roles that a manager performs in an organisation.

(2)    Differentiate between strategic and operational planning.

(3)    What are the characteristics of informal organisation ?

(4 ) Explain the term carrot and stick with respect to


(5) What do you mean by leadership ?

2    Explain the various factors which act as barries to    10 effective planning?

3    Explain the terms centralisation and decentralisation of 10 authority and discuss the merits and demerits of decentralisation of authority.

4    (a) What are the essential characteristics of a    5

good communnication system?

(b) Write a short note on grapevine communication.    5

5    What is controlling ? Explain the various stages in the 10 process of controlling.

6    What is resistance to change? How can resistance to    10 change be overcome ?

7    Mr. Raj has recently joined as the Managing Director of 10 a car manufacturing company which at present is incurring heavy losses. He has been entrusted with the formidable task

of rejuvenating the company. He faces many challanges to achieve this task. With a view to reviving company back to health, he effected some major changes.

First of all, he decentralised the organisation so that the subordinates could exercise their discretion and initiative in decision making and their imagination and creativity in performing their other managerial functions. Further more, he empowered the junior managers to sanction expediture upto an approved limit without seeking prior approval of the higher management. Communication system was also improved to facilitate free flow of upward and downward communication.

Mr. Raj also adopted several measures to cut costs and wasteful expenditure. He banned donations to charitable institutions but increased the amount being spent on welfare activities of the employees.

Answer the following questions :

(1)    Is Mr Raj a Theory X or Theory Y manager? Give reasons.

(2)    Do you think he is right in his presumptions about the nature of people at work? Give reasons.

SB-0435]    2    [ 100 ]


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